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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 开口ABC > 身高6英尺体重200磅

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/05 18:31  开口ABC

  In the United States, people don't use kilometers to measure distance. Instead, they use "miles". In fact, Americans don't use the metric system at all. It's not uncommon to meet Americans in China whom, when asked, don't even know their own weight or height in kilograms and centimeters! Instead, Americans use "pounds" (for weight) and "feet" (for height).


  美国人不用千米(kilometer)来测量距离,而用英里(mile)。因为他们几乎不用公制(metric system)。难怪当我们问他们身高多少厘米(centimeter),体重多少公斤(kilogram)时,他们不知道呢!相应的他们是用磅(pound)来表示体重,用英尺(feet)来表示身高。

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