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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/08 14:01  世博英语

  Midwest Tornadoes Leave Five People Dead


  KANSAS CITY, Kan. - A series of tornadoes pummeled Kansas and Missouri on Sunday, killing at least five people as they left a swath of destruction a quarter-mile wide in some places.



  Pummel: To beat, as with the fists; pommel.用拳头打;揍。The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.一群人推搡并痛打小偷。

  swath :a strip.一条。还有一个和这个单词有关的习惯用语:cut a swath through:使某物主要部分毁坏的意思。

  The tornadoes were part of a large storm system that hit the Midwest, spawning twisters in South Dakota and Nebraska as well.



  Joy Moser, spokeswoman for the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, said the agency had confirmed five deaths, and dozens of homes and buildings were damaged and destroyed around the region. Cars and trucks were tossed//into//a ravine full of splintered trees in Kansas City,



  toss常与to, away, aside, out连用,表示扔,投,掷的意思。如:They tossed the ball to each other.他们把球互相扔来扔去。在日产生活中,有时我们很难做出某个决定,这时就可以toss for it,也就是掷钱币决定某事。


  Splinter的本义是裂片,碎片;尖片。如:run a splinter//into//one's finger手上扎了一根刺。由此而得来的引申意思是微不足道的事情,微小的东西

  Stop lights at intersections weren't working in many places because of a power outage, causing confusion among motorists and considerable congestion. At some intersections, law officers were directing traffic to keep vehicles moving.




  congestion多用来指交通的拥挤,货物的充斥以及人口的稠密。在医学术语中指充血,如:pulmonary congestion:肺充血。congestion of traffic:拥挤的交通。congestion of population:人口过剩。

  Keep…doing指保持;继续。如:We will keep on trying.我们将继续努力。

  The governor said the damage was "the worst I've seen from a tornado in several years."



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