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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 因为我爱你

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/09 09:57  世博英语



  1) I don't want to be the third wheel.

  NOTE1: want和to的连读中间省略一个[t]的音,另外注意third中th的发音;

  NOTE2: It means I don't want to stand by to watch when you are dating.

  2) She had a cow!


  NOTE2: It means that she was too angry.


  Listen to this story carefully and try to judge the meaning of the two sentences we have just read.

  Jacky is Maylee's good friend. One day, Maylee, together with his boyfriend Andy went to visit Jacky. At his home, Maylee talked with Jacky happily, forgetting to have left Andy in the cold. Andy felt so awkward that he stood up finally and said to this "perfect match", "you may continue to enjoy your talking, I am leaving now. You know I am not coming here just to be the third wheel!" With these words, Andy went out of the room. On hearing this, Maylee almost had a cow, for she thought that Andy was not only narrow-minded, but also selfish and impolite. Still she had to go back with Andy, but she knew clearly that there must be a war between them when they got back home.

  Maylee和Andy两个人一起去见Maylee的一个好朋友,等到Maylee和老朋友谈得很开心的时候,Andy吃醋了,于是说了一句:祝你们玩的开心,我要走了,I don't want to be the third wheel!我不想当你们的电灯泡!Andy的话让Maylee很伤心,她也很生气,She had a cow!因为她认为Andy很小心眼,自私和无礼!但实际上,从Andy的角度来说,这也说明Andy很爱Maylee,对不对,毕竟爱是自私的!

  1) I don't want to be the third wheel.我不想当电灯泡。

  2) She had a cow!她气炸了!


  Here are three situations:

  S1. Tomorrow is a red-letter day. It will be the first wedding anniversary for you and your wife. Suppose you have decided to celebrate this great day in a Grand Hotel, but you have forgotten it. How do you think your wife would feel at that time?

  S2. A young couple are talking to each other in a low voice. At this time, do you think you will stand beside them and listen to what they are talking about? If you say no, why?

  S3. Andy has borrowed your favorite CD player, but he has broken it. Will you ask Andy to pay for it? And will you get angry? If you say yes, please tell me another way to express "you are angry"?


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