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Meeting Strangers
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/09 16:59  开口ABC

  第二天早晨,傻子临行前,在酒店的大堂里遇到一位美国丽人(American Beauty),眼都都直了,把那颗小“豆子”顷刻抛到九霄云外。只想起慈母教导说:人生地不熟不要紧,走到哪,朋友交到哪。这不,傻子这就付诸与实践,与陌生的美国美眉搭讪,结交新朋友。能不能成功呢?一起来看看吧!今日收获:用英文找老外搭讪

  INNOCENT:Hey, excuse me.

  American Beauty: Yeah?

  INNOCENT:Do you have the time?

  American Beauty:Sure, hold on. Let me check my watch. It's about 8:45.

  INNOCENT:Thanks. By the way, my name is Innocent. What's yours?

  American Beauty:Oh, hello, my name is Alyson. Nice to meet you!

  INNOCENT:Nice to meet you too. //Where// are you from?

  American Beauty:I'm from upstate New York.

  INNOCENT:So, what do you do?

  American Beauty:I just moved here actually, so I'm kind of the new kid on the block. In NY I'm a real estate investor. I buy homes and rent them out to tenants. Right now I'm looking at the local market here. I think here is a ripe market 'cause so many students are in need of housing... I'm sure I can make a handsome profit!

  INNOCENT:Oh, that sounds pretty interesting. I bet you meet all kinds of different people.

  American Beauty:Yeah, it's a pretty cool job. I like it.

  INNOCENT:Can I have your e-mail address?

  American Beauty:Sure. Do you have pen and paper?

  INNOCENT:Yes. Here you are.Thank you.

  American Beauty:Yeah, no problem. Be sure to write me an e-mail some time. I'd like to hear from you in the future.

  INNOCENT:Great! Would you like to go drinking now?

  American Beauty:Uh, I think I'll have to take a rain check on that. I've been very busy lately...

  INNOCENT:Ok, please take your time! We'll have an appointment another day.

  American Beauty:Thanks. See you next time!



  American Beauty:什么事儿?


  American Beauty:当然可以,稍等一下。让我看看表。8点45分。


  American Beauty:噢,你好!我叫Alyson。认识你很高兴。


  American Beauty:我来自北部的纽约州。


  American Beauty:事实上我刚来到这个地方,初来乍到而已。在纽约我做房地产投资。我买了房子,然后再租给房客。现在我正在这里看本地市场。我觉得这里市场挺大的,因为很多学生都得租房子……我肯定能赚到大钱的!


  American Beauty:是的,这是份很不错的工作,我很喜欢。


  American Beauty:当然。你有笔和纸吗?


  American Beauty:没问题!有时间一定要给我写邮件。我希望将来收到你的来信。


  American Beauty:我还要看看。最近我比较忙的……


  American Beauty:好,那下次再见!

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