完成人类基因排序 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/15 14:56 新浪教育 |
Scientists have completed the finished sequence of the human genome, or genetic blueprint of life, which holds the keys to transforming medicine and understanding disease. 科学家完成了人类基因的最后排序,即生命蓝图的工作,这对于人类医药产业和研究疾病有巨大的帮助。 Three years after finishing the worRO draft of the three billion letters that make up human DNA and two years earlier than expected, an international consortium of scientists said on Monday the set of instructions on how humans develop and function is done. 在完成有三十亿代码组成的工作草图三年后,一国际科学家联盟周一表示人类发展和官能的一整套指令已经完成,这比预计的要提前两年时间。 "We put out the draft sequence as a way of getting it out to scientists as quickly as we could. It gives them something to work with and get going, but the aim was always to generate a reference sequence for the human genome," Dr Jane Rogers, head of sequencing at the Wellcome Institute, said. 威尔康姆排序研究院基因排序领导人Jane Rogers博士说:"我们尽所能快的把人类基因草图顺序攻克下来,这可以使科学家有的放矢,但是目的都是为了给人类基因提供排序参考。" "It's a bit like moving on from a first attempt demo music tape to a classic CD." "这就好比把一张CD音乐带从开始录音版做到经典版一样。" The Human Genome Project has already aided scientists in discovering a mutation that causes a deadly type of skin cancer and accelerated the search for genes involved in diabetes, leukemia and childhood eczema. 人类基因工程已经帮助科学家们发现了一种致命皮肤癌的突变原因,并加速了人类对糖尿病,白血病和小孩湿疹的基因研究。 The completed sequence will help scientists to identify the 25,000-30,000 genes in humans, including those involved in complex diseases such as cancer and diabetes. 完成的排序将帮助识别人类的25,000到30,000个基因,包括某些复杂病症如癌症和糖尿病在内的基因。 Researchers from 120 countries have downloaded information which has been freely available on the Internet since the rough draft was announced in June 2000. 2000年6月,当人类基因草图宣布完成后,120个国家的研究者们从网上下载了相关的信息。"Completing the human genome is a vital step on a long road but the eventual health benefits could be phenomenal," Dr. Rogers said. Rogers博士说:"完成人类基因图是漫长路上至关重要的一步,最终人类的健康问题将得到明显改善。" |
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