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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久10

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/20 14:13  新浪教育

  RO: And, Congresswoman Lehtinen do you expect the coalition to handle it well?

  REP. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN,: Well, I think so. We just passed our supplemental appropriations bill (补充拨款议案)which is going to give our men and women in the armed forces the resources, the financial resources they need to finish the job.

  Now, the question will be what about the rebuilding of Iraq(现在的问题是伊拉克重建的问题)? Who will be there? What is the role of the U.N. (联合国应充当什么样的角色)? Will we use Afghanistan as the model(我们是否应该照搬阿富汗的模式)? Will we create a new model in the rebuilding of democracy and infrastructure in Iraq(还是在伊拉克民主和基础设施重建上采取新的模式)? So, there are a lot of questions and the answers are still to unfold(有待解决).

  RO: Do you think, that the public will put up with a long stay of American troops in Iraq(美国军队会在伊拉克长驻么)?

  REP. TOM LANTOS: I don't think there is any question about it. You know I am so appalled(非常惊奇) at all the whining and complaining(抱怨和牢骚). We had a spectacularly successful military operation and we are now ready for the long-term rebuilding of Iraq(我们做好了伊拉克重建的长期准备), not just physically(表面上的) but transforming that society. It will take a long time. It will take a lot of effort but it will be the beginning of a new dawn for the whole Middle East(给整个中东带来新的曙光).


  RO: Ambassador Dobbins, who leads Iraq next week?

  DOBBINS: Well, the United States is clearly in charge and responsible for the foreseeable(可预见的) future. There will be a transition(过渡)over time to Iraqis first, selected Iraqis, and ultimately elected Iraqis. That's probably a couple of years off.

  But we also have to address(强调)the question of how we begin to share power with the rest of the world, with those who have the money and the troops and the experience and the expertise(专业)that we'll need to do this job well.

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