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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Four口语部分表达篇

Lesson Four口语部分表达篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/16 16:38  新浪教育
  Read aloud the following frequently asked questions and study how the native speakers would answer them.

  1. Will you be doing any Christmas shopping online(在线,在网上) this year?

  A: "Yes. I've done shopping online before without any problems. This year I am buying DVDs online."

  B: "Of course, because I love shopping. I'll go on the Internet and check out the prices. I'll shop online or in the stores."

  C: "No. I think shopping should be more than just logging on the Internet and clicking on items."

  2. What would be your best Christmas gift?

  A: "A new home because I have a terrible landlord. My fridge is 46 years old and the stove doesn't work properly."

  B: "If I could have anything, what I would really like to see is homes for the homeless. That would be my wish."

  C:Just to have my family with me,relax and go skiing."

  Exercise: Based on what you've just learned about the way that a native English speaker would handle a question, try to express your opinions briefly and clearly by answering the following questions.

  1.Stuntmen(n.特技演员)and women stand in for the stars during dangerous film feats(n.特技展示).Stuntman Dar Robinson made a 1,000-foot leap from the CN Tower in Toronto for the film High Point. His parachute(n.降落伞) opened only 300 feet from the ground. For this death-defying(a.向死亡挑战的)act, he was paid ,000, the greatest amount ever paid for a stunt.

  What is the most daring act you have ever attempted?

  2.Soccer(n.足球)is the world's most popular sport. It's played by 20 million people in more than 140 countries. In some nation, however, other games dominate(v.占主导地位).In Thailand, it's kite-flying(n.放风筝). In Norway, it's skiing. In Scotland, it's golf(n.高尔夫球).

  How do you think geography and culture help determine a country's national pastime?

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