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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Four口语部分描述篇

Lesson Four口语部分描述篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/16 16:36  新浪教育
  All that glitters is not gold.

  Meaning: Some things are not as valuable as they appear to be.



  Decide which of the two versions given below you think is the better one. Why?

  Version A

  I have a very little dog named Lili, she is only half a year old. One day, I took her out to go walking. We met a dog as large as a goat. Lili felt nervous at the sight of that big dog. That dog stepped closer and closer to her. There was no time for her to run away. Lili had to bark in top voice to that dog. The strangest thing happened, it was that big dog who was scared and ran away with the tail downward. It turned out that dogs are not as strong as they look to be.

  Version B

  My little dog is only six months old; her name is Lili. We went out for a stroll one day and met a dog big as a goat. I could feel Lili grew more and more frightened as the big dog drew closer and closer. Because there was no chance to run away and escape, she barked at him as loudly as she could. Then, strange as it may seem, it was that big dog that turned and ran way with his tail between his legs. So it appears that dogs are not so fearsome as they may look.


  stroll: a slow, relaxed walk漫步,闲逛

  draw: to move slowly or continuously (缓慢、持续地)移动

  fearsome: frightening可怕的

  Exercise: Complete the proverb in English, and then illustrate the meaning of the proverb.(用英语完成下列谚语并用具体例子阐述它的意思。)

  别咬the hand that喂养you:别伤害someone who takes care of你.

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