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Lesson Eight口语部分文化篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/30 15:45  新浪教育

  Read the text carefully and be prepared to answer the question: Time-sensitiveness

  If you are constantly1 looking to see whether your success at work or in your personal life measures up2, then spending hours sitting around talking seems like frittering3 away your time. Americans like to remind themselves, "There's no making up for lost time." If they feel like they've been sitting around too long, Americans get antsy4 and want to get up and start doing something. Even when they're on vacation, Americans was to "live each moment to the max5." As soon as they get to the Grand Canyon6, they want to rush right down to the bottom. It seems as if Americans never really take a break.

  1.constantly: adv. continually不断地,经常地

  例句:He constantly changed his work, which left a bad reputation in the company.他不断换工作,在公司留下了不好的名声。

  2.measure up: to be as good as was expected or needed达到期待或需求的标准

  例句:He did not get the job because he just did not measure up.


  3.fritter: v. to waste( money, time, etc.)carelessly消耗,浪费,挥霍(钱,时间等)

  例句: Don't fritter away the water, or there will be no water for our usage on the earth many years later.


  4.antsy: adj. nervous; impatient热锅上的蚂蚁一般的,焦躁不安的

  例句:He became antsy before the test result coming out.


  5.to the max: adv. to the greatest degree最大程度地,完全

  例句:We should take advantage of the people and money to the max.


  6、the Grand Canyon: (美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河的)大峡谷

  Exercise: Explain why Americans always seem to be rushing around?

  Clues to the answer: waste time, success

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