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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Eight口语部分表达篇

Lesson Eight口语部分表达篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/30 15:48  新浪教育
  Read aloud the following frequently asked questions and study how the native speakers would answer them.

  1. "What is your opinion of our health-care(保健) system?

  A: "I think it's OK. I like it because in St. Lucia where I am from you have to pay for health care."

  B: "It's fairly good. Whenever I've interacted with it, I've had no problems."

  C: "I happen to be very fond of it. I've been really well taken care of completely free of charge, so I don't know why everyone gripes about it."

  2. How should our healthcare system be improved?

  A: "I just want to get quicker service. For instance, when I go to the walk-in clinic, I have to wait at least an hour to see the doctor."

  B: "Lower the cost of prescription drugs. I think the cost is ridiculous. My mom has coverage and it still costs ,000 for six months of my medication."

  C: "I think that basic dental work should be covered under OHIP and that those services should be offered in Canada's hospitals."

  Exercise: Based on what you've just learned about the way that a native English speaker would handle a question, try to express your opinions briefly and clearly by answering the following questions.

  1.Time is measured by a standard set at the Royal Observatory(n.天文台) at Greenwich, London. For every 15 degrees(n.度) of longitude(n.经度) east or west of Greenwich, the time is one hour ahead or behind Greenwich time. When it's 7:00 a.m. in New York, its 9:00 a.m. in Rio de Janeiro, noon in London, 3:00 p.m. in Moscow and 9:00 p.m. in Tokyo.

  What is your favorite time of day? Why?

  2. Blues(n.布鲁斯乐曲) great(n.大师) McKinley Morganfield was born in the Mississippi delta(n.三角洲). He took his nickname(n.绰号、艺名), Muddy Waters, from the river that inspired(v.启发、给……以灵感) him. Memphis-born blues man Riley B. King was called "Beale Street Blues Boy" after the city's musical block(n.团体). His nickname was later shortened to B.B.

  Has your hometown influenced you? If so, how has it?

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