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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Eight口语部分描述篇

Lesson Eight口语部分描述篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/30 15:47  新浪教育
  Two heads are better than one.

  Meaning: Two people working together can solve a problem quicker and better than a person working alone.



  Decide which of the two versions given below you think is the better one. Why?

  Version A

  I usually have a good sleep at night. But one day whatever I try my best, I was still can't go to the dreamland. Without any ideas, I got up and managed to use some methods I had heard from others. I walked slowly in my room, took a hot water bath, drank a box of milk, watched TV program for a while and read newspapers. I tried all the way I can remember. But none is useful. "God help me, I have a job interview tomorrow morning. How can I do?" I thought.

  My roommate was interrupted. She got up and asked me why I didn't go to bed.

  "I really want to sleep quickly, but how can I?" I said.

  "That's very easy." She said.

  She asked me to sit on my bed and close my eyes, and then I felt my forehead was hit by a heavy stuff, and I really got asleep very quickly.

  Version B

  I usually don't have any trouble getting a good night's sleep. But one night, no matter what I tried, I just couldn't get to sleep. At my wit's end, I got out of bed and tried some of the techniques suggested by others such as taking a slow walk around the room, taking a hot shower, drinking a glass of milk, watching TV and reading the newspaper. After trying everything to no good effect, I gave up: "God help me, I have a job interview this morning. What to do?" I fretted.

  Then my roommate asked me why I hadn't gone to bed.

  "I really need to get some sleep quickly, but how?" I whined.

  "It's very simple." She said.

  I sat on the edge of my bed as she told me to and closed my eyes; suddenly I was hit on the forehead by something heavy and went right to sleep.


  at one's wit's end: no ideas at all智穷计尽,束手无策

  fret: to worry or get upset about sth.苦恼,发愁

  whine: to complain about sth. in an annoying way生气地嘀咕

  Exercise: Complete the proverb in English, and then illustrate the meaning of the proverb.(用英语完成下列谚语并用具体例子阐述它的意思。)

  别put off for明天what you can do今天:别unnecessarily推迟doing something.

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