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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/30 10:08  新浪教育

  Six British soldiers killed in S.Iraq


  Six British soldiers were killed in a police station in southern Iraq and eight were wounded in a nearby ambush Tuesday, marking the deadliest day of attacks on coalition forces since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime.


  【讲解】police station,The headquarters of a unit of a police force,swheresthose under arrest are first charged.警察分局;警察所一个警察单位的总部,被捕者首先在该处受到指控。也可以理解为派出所。

  ambush,The act of lying in wait to attack by surprise.埋伏,等待进行出其不意的袭击的行为。也可指伏击地点,The hiding place used for this. ambush也可作动词使用。The commander ambushed his troops in the woods for the morning attack.指挥员把他的部队埋伏在树林里准备凌晨发起攻击。The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers.民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。

  deadly的用法很多,举几个常见的:Extreme or terrible,极度的或可怕的。worked under deadly strain.在极度的紧张状态下工作;Destructive in effect,具有毁灭影响的:gave the film a deadly review.这部影片给予毁灭性的评论;Aiming or wanting to kill; implacable:不共戴天、不可能和解的:deadly enemies.不共戴天的仇敌。

  regime,A form of government,政体政府的形式。a fascist regime.法西斯政体;

  A government in power; administration,当权政府、统治,suffered under the new regime.


  The casualties were a shock to British troops occupying the largely Shiite south, which until now had been essentially free of the daily hit-and-run attacks plaguing American soldiers in central and western Iraq.


  【讲解】casualty,One injured or killed in an accident,受害人事故中受伤或死亡的人。a train wreck with an unknown number of casualties.一次不知伤亡人数的火车事故。

  essentially,本质上;基本上。She's essentially kind.她本质上是善良的。Besides, television is essentially a passive medium.除此以外,电视实质上是一种被动的媒介。

  plague,可以作名词,A cause of annoyance; a nuisance,纷扰引起厌烦的原因,令人头痛的事。the plague of social jabbering,社交闲谈造成的纷扰;

  也可以作动词,To pester or annoy persistently or incessantly.使苦恼,烦扰经常不断地打扰或烦扰。Runaway inflation further plagued the wage- or salary-earner,失控的通货膨胀加深了工薪阶层的痛苦。

  The US military said insurgents had increased their attacks on American and British troops, including a firefight in the west of Baghdad, that killed three Iraqis and wounded an American soldier.


  【讲解】insurgent,One that revolts against civil authority.造反者、反抗国内政权的人。也可以指A member of a political party who rebels against its leadership.

  政党内部的反对派。也可以作形容词用,insurgent troops,叛军。

  firefight,An exchange of gunfire, as between infantry units.交战,火战,如两个步兵单位之间枪火上的战斗。

  The violence fueled concerns that Iraq is descendingsintosa guerrilla war despite US insistence that resistance is local, not centrally organized.


  【讲解】fuel本文中的意思是它的比喻义,maintains or stimulates an activity or emotion:刺激、保持或增进活力与情绪。Rhetoric that fueled the dissenters,刺激反对者的反问。

  guerrilla也可写成guerilla,A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.游击队员,以小股部队在被占领区内通过突然袭击等方式侵挠或破坏敌军的非正规军,通常是本地的军事或半军事组织的成员。

  guerrilla通常用来修饰另一名词:guerrilla warfare,游击战争;guerrilla tactics,游击战术。


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