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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/30 11:12  世博英语

  Friends,中文译名为《六人行》或《老友记》是美国正在热播的一个sitcom (即situation comedy)也就是我们所说的情景喜剧。它之所以这么受欢迎,是因为其内容轻松,语言幽默,每每令人捧腹不已。对于英语学习者来说,我们更能从中学到不少地道的口语。现在就请大家和我一起感受其中的乐趣吧!



  MONICA: I can't believe you guys are actually getting tattoos.

  CHANDLER: Excuse me, you guys are getting tattoos?

  RACHEL: Yes, but you can not tell Ross 'cause I want to surprise him.

  JOEY: Wow, this is wild. What're you gonna get?

  PHOEBE: Um, I'm getting a lily for my Mom. 'Cause her name's Lily.

  CHANDLER: Wow, that's lucky. What if her name was Big Ugly Splotch?

  JOEY: Soswheresyou gettin' it?

  PHOEBE: I think on my shoulder.

  ROSS: What? What's on your shoulder?

  PHOEBE: Um, a chip. A tattoo, I'm getting a tattoo.

  ROSS: A tattoo? Why, why would you want to do that? [to Rachel] Hi.

  RACHEL: Hi. Well hey, you don't - you don't think they're kind of cool?

  ROSS: No, sorry I don't. Tell me why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? What if it doesn't come out right Phoebe? Then it's like, I don't know, havin' a bad hair cut all the time. Why's everyone staring at me?


  tattoo就是纹身,它也可以直接作动词使用,但总是以被动的形式出现,比如:She's got a heart tattooed on her right shoulder.

  去纹身可是要点勇气的,那针扎在身上多痛啊?Monica就说:“我真不相信你们俩真要去纹身。(I can't believe you guys are actually getting tattoos.)”Chandler也觉得有些意外,问道:“Excuse me, you guys are getting tattoos?”这里的excuse me,并不是表示打扰了别人或是要引起别人的注意,而是表示一种意外,Chandler想自己会不会听错了,所以才追问了这句。另外,excuse me (升调),也可以用来让人再重复一下刚才所说的话,这是典型的美式用语,在英国的话则用pardon (升调),例如:

  A: 'What time is it?'

  B: 'Excuse me?'

  A: 'I asked you what time it is.'

  对于Chandler的追问Rachel给予了肯定的回答Yes,同时让Chandler别告诉Ross,因为她想制造一个惊喜(but you can not tell Ross 'cause I want to surprise him.)。

  Joey觉得去纹身这种举动蛮狂野的(Wow, this is wild),接着他想知道她们打算纹什么图案(What're you gonna get?), Phoebe准备弄朵百合花(lily),因为她妈妈的名字就是lily。Chandler又插科打诨道:“哇,真幸运,要是你妈妈的名字是Big Ugly Splotch (又大又难看的斑点)怎么办?”Joey又问Phoebe她想纹在哪里(Soswheresyou gettin' it?),Phoebe回答说在肩上(on the shoulder),.这时Ross正好走进来听到这句话,就问什么在肩上(What? What's on your shoulder?),Phoebe脑筋转了一下说:“Um, a chip.”这个回答很有意思,难怪我们会听到一大片笑声,原来在英语中有一个习语就是have a chip on your shoulder,它源自19世纪的美国,那时如果两个人想打架来解决问题的话就会各自在肩上放一块木片,一旦木片被对方撞下肩,打架便开始了,打完架当然问题也就解决了,可要是这木片一直在两人肩上的话,那可就僵了,所以后来have a chip on your shoulder就表示某个人很容易被激怒,它也可以引申为“心存芥蒂”或“耿耿于怀”,例如:

  Mary is easily offended; she always has a chip on her shoulder.

  The Doyle kid has had a chip on his shoulder ever since his mom and dad divorced.

  回到对话中,Phoebe最后还是老实交待说自己要在肩上弄一纹身,Ross显然对这想法不太感冒,他问:“A tattoo? Why, why would you want to do that? (纹身?为什么?为什么你要去纹身?)”这下本来想给Ross一个惊喜的Rachel有点慌了,她试探道:“you don't - you don't think they're kind of cool?(你不觉得,你不觉得那样蛮酷的?)”

  来听听Ross是怎么回答的:No, sorry I don't. Tell me why would anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? What if it doesn't come out right Phoebe? Then it's like, I don't know, havin' a bad hair cut all the time. (对不起,我不觉得酷。告诉我为什么有人会付钱去让自己身上弄个除不掉的疤?要是纹得不好怎么办?Phoebe,那岂不就像老是顶着个糟糕的发型嘛)。说到这儿Ross发现大伙都盯着他看,就不解地问:“Why's everyone staring at me?(你们盯着我看干嘛?)”,难道说我的发型很糟糕?



  excuse me

  have a chip on your shoulder


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