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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/02 09:54  世博英语


  Britain moves to give gays, lesbians same rights as married couples


  【讲解】单词gay其用法已被普遍接受,指的是美国的同性恋团体及其成员;在这种用法中,它一般小写。Gay区别于homosexual,前者强调同性恋者的文化和社会方面。许多作家把gay限定于男性同性恋者,但这个单词也可用于指两种性别的同性恋者,当上下文的言外之意不太明确时,词组同性恋男性和同性恋女性可以被使用。就象其他从形容词派生来的社会群体名词一样(如,黑人),gay如果当作为一个名词使用,指一些特殊的个体时,可能会被认为带有攻击性,如在There were two gays on the panel;在此处应该用词组gay people来代替。

  lesbian,A gay or homosexual woman.同性恋女子。

  LONDON (AFP) - Gays and lesbians in England and Wales would enjoy the same legal rights as married couples under proposals to be released by the British government.

  If adopted by parliament, the reforms will create civil partnerships to give homosexual couples pension and property rights, so long as they sign an official registration document.


  【讲解】adopt,To take on or assume,采取采用或接受:adopted an air of importance.采取自以为是的态度;To vote to accept,批准表决通过,adopt a resolution.通过决议。

  homosexual,A homosexual person,a gay man or a lesbian.同性恋者男同性恋者或女同性恋者。

  pension,A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage.退休金,抚恤金,一笔作为退休或受资助而定期领取的钱。Disability pension:残废恤金。

  It would also give next-of-kin rights in hospitals, allow gays to benefit from a deceased partner's pension, and exempt them from inheritance tax on a partner's home.



  deceased,No longer living; dead.已死的;死去了的。the deceased wife,亡妻;

  the deceased,死者,已故者。

  exempt,To free from an obligation, a duty, or a liability to which others are subject:

  免除,豁免。常与from连用,exempting the disabled from military service.免除残疾人的兵役。

  inheritance tax,A tax imposed on the privilege of receiving property by inheritance or legal succession and assessed on the value of the property received.


  "We are delighted that a long overdue step is being taken by the government, said Ben Summerskill, chief executive of the gay rights group. "Hundreds of thousands of gay people are in stable, long-term relationships, but still don't have the same rights as many others," he said. "It's not just social status that matters, like the right to visit each other in hospital, but the right to share a partner's pension, for example."


  【讲解】overdue过期未付的;迟到的、延误的、误点的。The train is overdue.火车误点了。an overdue check,过期支票。

  But another gay campaigner, human rights activist Peter Thatchell, criticized that the proposals fail to cover all unmarried couples -- straight as well as homosexual. "Cohabiting heterosexuals also lack legal recognition and protection," Thatchell said. "This is a grave injustice."


  【讲解】campaigner,运动参加者;推行运动者。有两个相关的习惯用语:feather-bed campaigner,玩忽职守的士兵;生活放荡的人;old campaigner,老军人,宿将;阅历丰富的人。

  grave,Requiring serious thought; momentous:重大的需要严肃思考的、重大的:a grave decision in a time of crisis.危机时期的重大决定。


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