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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/09 09:57  世博英语

  Doctors Tease Apart Brains of Iranian Twins


  SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Neurosurgeons trying to separate Iranian twins joined at the head teased apart tightly packed brain tissue and blood vessels on Tuesday as the life-threatening operation moved into its third day. Soothing classical music played in the operating theater as the team of 28 doctors and about 100 assistants at a Singapore hospital battled unstable blood circulation Laleh and Ladan Bijani.



  teased ,To cut (tissue, for example)sintospieces for examination.切取(组织)供检用,将(例如组织)切成片状供检用。

  a blood vessel.,血管。介绍两个和vessel相关的习惯用语,burst a blood vessel,常用于口语,表示大动肝火,非常激动。Empty vessels make the greatest sound.是一个谚语,就是我们所说的一满瓶不响,半瓶晃荡,意思指一知半解者,往往目空一切,自我吹嘘。

  soothing,Tending to make a person who is distress ,anxious to quiet or calm.安慰的,起安慰镇静作用的。a soothing music,令人舒畅的音乐;a soothing voice,有安抚作用的嗓音。

  operating theater,手术室。

  After cutting open the 29-year-old pair's joint skull in the hours after the surgery began on Sunday, five neurosurgeons were prying apart the brains millimeter by millimeter, said Dr Prem Kumar Nair, a spokesman for Singapore's Raffles Hospital. "Although the brains are distinctly separate, because they have been fused for the last 29 years they are very adherent to each other." Nair said doctors had completed a key part of the operation, using a leg vein extracted from Ladan's right thigh to replace for her a shared major vein that drained blood from the brains.


  【讲解】skull,The bony or cartilaginous framework of the head of vertebrates, made up of the bones of the braincase and face; cranium.颅骨,头盖骨脊椎动物头骨或软骨的框架,由脑骨和脸部的骨头组成;头盖骨。skull还可以表示头脑,The head, regarded as the seat of thought or intelligence.Use your skull and solve the problem.运用你的头脑然后解决这个问题。

  surgery ,A surgical operation or procedure, especially one involving the removal or replacement of a diseased organ or tissue.手术外科手术或过程,特别是指割治、替换患病器官或组织的外科手术或过程。clinical surgery,临床外科;Cancer usually requires surgery.癌症通常需要外科手术。

  pry,To look or inquire closely, curiously, or inquisitively, often in a furtive manner; snoop:窥探,密切地、好奇地或过分好奇地看或打听,经常是以一种偷偷摸摸的方式进行;打探。always prying into the affairs of others.总是打听别人的事情。

  fuse,To mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; blend.


  thigh,The portion of the human leg between the hip and the knee.大腿人腿从臀至膝的部分。

  On Monday, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami pledged to cover the cost of the surgery, estimated at around ,000.



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