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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 2010年冬奥会敲定温哥华

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/07 10:13  世博英语


  Vancouver bring Winter Games back to Canada in 2010


  The Canadian city of Vancouver beat off the challenges of South Korea's Pyeongchang and Salzburg of Austria to win the right to stage the 2010 Winter Olympics on Wednesday.


  【讲解】beat off,To drive away.击退,逐走。the attacker was beat off.进攻者被打退了。

  challenge,contest, fight, or competition.挑战、竞争、战斗。和challenge相关的习惯用语很多,常用的有beyond challenge,无与伦比,无可非议;rise to the challenge


  Vancouver, always the favorite, won by taking a narrow majority in the second round of voting by International Olympic Committee (IOC) members against Pyeongchang after Salzburg was surprisingly eliminated in the first round. The relatively unknown Asian candidate had been widely expected to place third in the opening ballot but took Vancouver surpringly close, losing by just three votes -- 56 to Vancouver and 53 to the Koreans.


  【讲解】favorite的常用意思是One that enjoys special favor or regard.受宠的人或物,受到特别喜爱或对待的人或物。而在本文中,它的意思是A contestant or competitor regarded as most likely to win.。最有希望获胜的选手或竞争者。

  narrow majority,勉强的多数,也可以说成是by a bare majority以勉强的多数票(当选或通过)。和它相对立的一个习惯说法是overwhelming majority,压倒的多数。

  eliminated,To remove from consideration by defeating, as in a contest.淘汰通过击败对方而不予考虑,例如在比赛中。

  first round,前一单轮;final round,决赛。

  ballot,The act, process, or method of voting, especially in secret.投票投票的行为、过程或方式,尤指只有少数人知道的。作动词用时常与for连用,投票,表决。

  The Vancouver delegation erupted in cheering and hooting as IOC president Jacques Rogge announced the result of the vote. Vancouver will bring the Winter Games to Canada for only the second time and the first since 1988 when Calgary staged the event. Canada also staged one Summer Games -- in Montreal in 1976.


  【讲解】erupt,To emerge violently from restraint or limit;,explode.突然发生,爆发。

  Violence erupted after the football match. (喻)足球赛后发生了暴力行为。

  hoot,To make a loud raucous cry, especially of derision or contempt.大声叫嚣发出沙哑的大叫,尤指表讥讽或轻蔑。也可以理解为狂笑的意思。not care a hoot,毫不在乎(= not care two hoots)。


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