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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 棕色的鼻子

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/15 09:55  世博英语



  1) I don't get the picture.


  NOTE2: It means that I don't understand at all.

  2) He is just a brown-nose.


  NOTE2: It means that he is an apple-polisher.


  Here is a story:

  Everyone knows that Tim is just a brown-nose. He is flattering the boss anywhere, anytime and anyway. For example, when a new boss comes, he would first treat him to show his great hospitality; when the boss' wife has given birth to a baby, he would sent expensive gifts to show his congratulation, etc. Why? Is that useful? Can he be a boss if he continues doing like this? I couldn't get the picture in fact. In my opinion, if you want to gain something, just work hard and wait for the opportunity, then one day you can get what you want. Do you agree?

  1) I don't get the picture.我不明白。

  2) He is just a brown-nose.他是个马屁精。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. When the teacher is asking a question like "do you understand me", you can say yes. Here let's suppose that you don't understand, how would you answer? (Remember that you have to answer it with one sentence we learned just now.)

  S2. Does the sentence "he is just a brown-nose" mean "he has a brown nose"? If you say no, what is the meaning of it?

  S3. Suppose you are reading the College English textbook. Now you have met with so many new words and you cannot understand what the text is talking about. But now, the teacher is asking you to tell the main idea of the passage. How can you reply?


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