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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/11 10:15  世博英语


  Canada to Sell Medical Marijuana to Seriously Ill


  OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada became on Wednesday the first country in the world to start selling marijuana to several hundred seriously ill people but said the pot project could be halted at any time.


  【讲解】marijuana也可以写成marihuana,A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria.大麻毒品由大麻属植物晒干的花簇和叶子制成的制剂,一般通过吸食来获取异常的快感。


  halt在本文中的意思是To cause to stop; arrest,使…停止;阻止。The car halted by the house.

  汽车停在房屋旁边。No one can halt the advance of history.谁也阻挡不了历史的前进。另外,这个词还有蹒跚的意思,To proceed or act with uncertainty or indecision; waver.

  Ottawa announced in July 2001 that some patients would be able to use marijuana provided by the government. But plans to grow official pot hit a series of snags, prompting a court in Ontario to give Ottawa until July 10 to come up with a solution.


  【讲解】hit [strike, come upon, run into] a snag触礁、碰到意外的障碍、遇到意外困难。

  snag,An unforeseen or hidden obstacle.暗桩没有预料到的,隐藏着的障碍。

  come up with,想出(计划、回答);作出(反应);产生。He couldn't come up with an answer.

  他答不上来。He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.那时他想不出一个合适的答案。

  Federal officials said more researchsintosthe claimed benefits of medical pot was needed and they would therefore appeal the court ruling, a decision that angered critics. "Although this interim policy can be amended or suspended at any time, it is anticipated that it will remain in effect until...(Ottawa's) roles and responsibilities with respect to a supply of marijuana for medical purposes have been clarified by the courts," the health ministry said in a statement.


  【讲解】appeal,earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication.

  呼吁,恳求、热切或急切的要求、请求或恳求。The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

  The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.谋杀案的被害家属已经请求最高法院作确切的答复。

  interim,Belonging to, serving during, or taking place during an intermediate interval of time; temporary,临时的属于时间间隔的,间隔起作用或发生的:an interim agreement.一项临时协议。

  amend,To alter (a legislative measure, for example) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.

  修正,修订:通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改(如一种立法措施)。to amend a document


  with respect to,关于,至于。with respect to the recent flood,至于最近的洪水。

  U.S. authorities have strongly criticized Canadian plans to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana, arguing it could result in highly potent pot flooding across the border.


  【讲解】decriminalize,To reduce or abolish criminal penalties for,减小或废除…的刑事惩罚:

  decriminalize the use of marijuana.使大麻的使用合法化。


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