Lesson 4:Captain Cook |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/23 16:32 新浪教育 |
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Captain Cook(CC) is preparing for his first great expedition to thePacific.He is talking to a seaman(S). S:What stores do you want me to order, Sir? CC:I insist on taking proper food for thisexpedition. The men often fall ill and suffer fever, so I have decided to take live animals. S:Live animals? I didn't know we were goingto take live animals with us,sir. CC:That's right. We will take 10 pigs, 10 sheep and sixty chickens. The chickenscan eat the food that we would otherwise throw away. They will provide us with eggs and meat. S:What about vegetables, Sir? They usually go bad as soon as we are at sea. CC:I have decided to take a lot of cabbagein vinegar. S:I've never heard of that, Sir. Will the men enjoy eating it, Sir? CC: I shall insist that they do from now on. Eating cabbage will keep them healthy. S: Have you decided which boat to take, sir? CC:We will take the Endeavour. It is a good strong ship, though not very fast. There will be a lot of room below for stores. S:Is there anything else that you want me to get? CC:Yes. I suggest taking a lot of vinegar. S:Why vinegar, Sir, if I may ask? CC:We will use it for cleaning the inside of the ship.If we dothis,we shall have less sickness. Please get me 300 litres. I think thatwill be enough. |
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第四课:库克船长之课文翻译 |
库克船长正在为到太平洋的第一次远航探险而做准备。他正在跟一位水手谈话。 你想让我订购什么储备物资呢,船长? 我坚持这次远航探险要携带上合适的食品。水手们经常得病发烧,所以我决定带些活的牲畜。活牲畜?我原先没想到我们要带一些活牲畜,船长。 这没错。我们将带10头猪,10只羊和60只鸡。鸡可以吃我们本来要扔掉的食物。它们可以为我们提供鸡蛋和鸡肉。 那么蔬菜呢,船长?我们一到海上它们就腐烂。 我已经决定带上大量的醋泡卷心菜。 这个我从来没听说过,船长。船员们会喜欢吃吗,船长? 我坚持他们从现在起开始吃,吃蔬菜会使他们身体健康。 船长,您决定我们乘哪艘船了吗? 我们将乘“奋力”号。尽管这船不太快,但它很牢固。船体下面有足够的空间存放物品。 你还要我买别的东西吗? 嗯,我建议多带些醋。 为什么要带醋呢,船长?我可以问一下吗? 我们可以用醋来清理船舱内部。这样做,我们会少得疾病。请给我买300升醋。我想这些就足够了。 |
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