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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/01 10:43 世博英语 |
语音讲解: 作者:Andy 【发音模仿秀】语音模仿,秀出一口漂亮英语! 1) They fleeced me. NOTE1:注意[d]音失去爆破。 NOTE2: It means that they cheated me. 2) Just keep your nose to the grindstone. NOTE1:注意grindstone里[ai]音要发到位。 NOTE2: It means just keep working. 【世博VOA】洗耳恭听,两个句子小菜一碟! Once I was wealthy, but now I am a poor fish. Why? You may ask. Here is the story: We once had a big sum of money. I said to my wife that we'd better buy a bigger house, but my wife stopped me. She said it would be a great idea to invest the money in stock; even it would be a little bit venturesome. I did as what she had told me. Unfortunately, two guys in the stock market fleeced us. That hurt us a lot and we promised that we would never go to the stock market again. What should I do now? Maybe the only thing is to keep my nose to the grindstone and to start from the beginning again. 1) They fleeced me.他们骗了我。 2) Just keep your nose to the grindstone.尽管埋头苦干就是了。 【请你猜猜看】挑战自我,情景抢答也刺激! Here are three situations: S1. What is the good way to learn English well? Is it enough just to keep my nose to the grindstone? S2. The doctor tried to tell you that you had got a serious disease and prescribed a pile of pills for you to take. Finally you found that you were fleeced by this quack. So what's the meaning of the word "fleece" here? S3. The teacher has told us how to learn English. But I find that I still have to remember a lot of English words. How can I remember so many new words? 本期笨小孩口语广播由世博英语(360abc.com)Andy老师编写录制!世博英语版权所有!未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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