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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/07 10:40  世博英语



  Friends,中文译名为《六人行》或《老友记》是美国正在热播的一个sitcom (即situation comedy)也就是我们所说的情景喜剧。它之所以这么受欢迎,是因为其内容轻松,语言幽默,每每令人捧腹不已。对于英语学习者来说,我们更能从中学到不少地道的口语。现在就请大家和我一起感受其中的乐趣吧!




  Ross: So listen uh, I know you and I haven't really had a chance to talk since uh, Emily and I decided to get married, and uh, I was just wondering how you were.

  Rachel: Oh.

  Ross: I know if you were getting married I'd feel, kinda….. y'know.

  Rachel: Yeah. Yeah. Definitely, well it definitely took me by surprise, but I'm okay.

  Ross: Yeah?

  Rachel: Yeah.

  Ross: All right, I just wanted to check.

  Rachel: Oh, that's sweet.

  Ross: You're great. And I-I know someday this will happen for you too. You just hang in there.

  Rachel: Uhh, hang in there?

  Ross: Oh, no, I didn't mean, uh…

  Rachel: I mean maybe you didn't hear about a serious relationship called me and Joshua?

  Ross: Oh, I thought you guys had just been on like four dates, I didn't realise that had become anything, yet.

  Rachel: Oh, no-no-no, no-no-no, it has become, it has—yeah.


  Ross与Rachel以前有过一段恋情,现在Ross要和别人结婚了,他想问问Rachel的感受,因为他说如果换作是Rachel要和别人结婚的话,他心里也会觉得不是滋味的(I know if you were getting married I'd feel, kinda….. y'know.) you know可以说是一个口头禅几乎一直挂在老美的口上的,有些人说话每隔几个词就要来句you know,本来它是用来说明双方都心知肚明但又不太好明说或是不愿详细解释的事情,就像对话中Ross所用的那样,他想Rachel应该知道他所指的那种感觉,因此来了一个you know.

  Rachel说她虽然对Ross要结婚的事情确实感到有些措手不及,但她对此没啥问题(it definitely took me by surprise, but I'm okay.)take somebody by surprise是一个常用的短语,表示某事发生得很突然,让某人有些不知所措,如:The question took her by surprise.这个短语还可以说成是catch somebody by surprise,又如:He caught me by surprise and I sounded foolish.

  听Rachel说她没什么问题,Ross就放心了。然后他安慰Rachel说总有一天,她也会结婚的(You're great. And I-I know someday this will happen for you too. You just hang in there.) hang in there这个短语常常用来鼓励别人坚持做某事,也就是我们平时说的“撑住,顶住”的意思,比如:We decided to hang in until we had figured out why the experiment failed. Rachel目前还没有找到合适的对象,如果她hang in there的话不就永远也结不了婚了嘛,所以她反问Ross说:Uhh, hang in there?(嗯?撑在那儿?)于是Ross知道自己用错词了。

  Rachel才不想hang in there呢,她马上说其实她现在已经有人了,虽然她和那个叫Joshua才出去了四回,但他们已经确立关系了(It has become a serious relationship.)看来Rachel对于Ross的婚事还是心存疙瘩的。


  take/catch somebody by surprise

  hang in there

英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭


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