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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 直面棘手的问题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/12 09:40  世博英语



  All the candidates are very excellent. It’s indeed a hard nut to crack to choose the best one.


  这里片语a hard nut to crack意思就是“很难的事,很棘手的问题”。Nut本来的意思是指“坚果”,一个很难“剥开”的“坚果”,所以用来喻意很难处理的事情。If you say that something is a hard nut to crack, you mean that it’s difficult to do or to understand.再看一个例子:

  Speaking English very well is a hard nut to crack to most Chinese people.


  需要注意的是a hard nut to crack还可以指“比较难对付的人”,如:

  My manager is a hard nut to crack. He always shouts at me about what I have done.


  遇到了这些hard nuts to crack, what will you do?遇到困难不能畏缩,要正面迎对!这里正面迎对某事可以用片语face something head-on来表示。

  Everyone will suffer from more difficulties in life, and the positive attitude is to face it head-on.


  片语face something head-on中,head-on的意思是“当头撞上”的意思,face是“面对”的意思,所以片语的意思就是“正面的迎对某事”。If someone deals with a problem head on, they don’t try to avoid it, but deal with it in a direct and determined way, we call they face it head-on.


  In October 1996, doctors told Lance Armstrong that he had cancer and gave him far less than a 50-percent chance of recovery. But he faced the hit head-on. His legendary iron helped him beat the cancer.


  结束语:前几天有位同事叫我把一段中文译为英文,他说对他来讲汉译英是棘手的问题(a hard nut to crack),我大致的看了一看,里面全是些专业术语。不过我没有气馁,而是正面迎对(face it head-on),终于把它译了出来,心情自是舒畅的很。


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