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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 生日会后的领悟

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/11 15:11  世博英语



  1) Would you like to go to a flick tonight?

  NOTE1:注意would you的连读;

  NOTE2: Would you like to go to see a movie with me this evening?

  2) He was given a dressing down.

  NOTE1:补充:dress up短语是打扮,伪装的意思;

  NOTE2: It means that he was scolded seriously.


  Here is a story:

  The day before yesterday was my birthday. I invited some of my friends to have a big dinner and then we went to a flick. That movie was great and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. After I came back, unfortunately, I was given a dressing down by my father. He said, "You have wasted a lot of money on this birthday. You should know how to plan for your future. If I were you, I would buy many books for my birthday. You know books can enlarge your range of knowledge." I thought it was right and I would remember what my father had said.

  1) Would you like to go to a flick tonight?今晚去看电影吗?

  2) He was given a dressing down.他被痛斥一顿。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. If you want to invite someone to go to a movie this evening, how would you ask her? (Please use the sentence we have learnt today.)

  S2. My father has a hot temper, so my brother and I are afraid of him. One day, when we were playing football in front of the house, we broke the window. What did my father do when he knew this? Do you know?

  S3. I have got two tickets for the pop movie "Hero" and I want to invite Susan to go with me. How should I ask her?


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