老师原谅我吧 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/08 10:25 世博英语 |
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一天,英文老师带了录音机来上课,准备播放一首名为《系黄丝带于橡树上》的歌。 第【1】串:yellow ribbon系黄丝带于橡树上 The old ex-con told his wife to tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree if she wanted to take him back. 听歌前,老师略述这首歌的故事:“一个快要出狱的犯人,写信给他的妻子,请她在家门前的老橡树上系条黄丝带,以示忘记前嫌。 第【2】串:forgive and forget摒弃前嫌,忘记旧恶 Let's forgive and forget. 他坐车经过看到黄丝带便下车,否则,只好乘车继续远去。” 第【3】串:or else否则 You have to study hard, or else, you will fail in the final exam. 听完歌后,老师让我们写下感想。 第【4】串:write down写下 You have to write down the notes that the teacher has written on the blackboard. 有个同学这样写道:“虽然我已努力用功,但英文成绩仍不好,老师若能原谅我,请在下次上课时,头上结条黄丝带。” 第【5】串:give it all I've got竭尽全力 I have given it all I have got, but I still couldn't make it. 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)Andy原创编写!学习中国口语,传播中国文化!世博英语版权所有,未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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