Lesson 8:CAPTAIN COOK(3) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/11 13:52 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2Practice练习 Read this passage from Captain Cook's diary. Then put the verbssintosthe correct tenses.阅读库克船长的这则日记。把动词变成正确的时态。 “For the past three weeks we have been in a Russian trading post on the“在过去的三个星期里我们一直滞留在阿留申群岛 Aleutian Islands. The sailors (repair) the ships, which (start)俄国人的一个贸易站。水手们修复开始漏水的船。 to let in water. We (hope) to find a northwest passage from the Pacific我们希望在太平洋找到一条西北通道, Ocean that (lead) us back to northern Europe. Nobody (dis引导我们返回到北欧。到目前为止还 cover) so far whether this passage (exist) or not. Although it 没有人发现这样的通道是否存在。虽然 (be) only August, the weather (get) worse daily. Finally we 才8月,天气却一天比一天更糟糕。最后我们遇到 (come) to a great sheet of ice and (be) unable to sail any further一大块冰,不能再向北航行。 north. I (have) no idea it (will) be so difficult to find this我不知道要找到这条西北通道会是 northwest passage. 这样困难。 We (already run) out of beer, but we still (have) some我们已经喝光了啤酒,但是我们还剩下一些 biscuits left, so we (decide)to sail south to these islands. Tomorrow饼干,因此我们决定向南航行到这些群岛。明天 we (go) to set sail for Hawaii. I (hope) we (reach)我们将启航去夏威夷。我希望我们能在大约 the islands in about three weeks time. 三周内到达夏威夷群岛。 I think this voyage (be) my last. In fact, I (already 我想这次航行将是我的最后一次航行了。事实上,我已经, decide) that once I (return) to England I (make) no more long决定,一旦回到英国我将不再 expeditions. And if anyone (try) to persuade me, even the King him去探险。即使有人劝我,哪怕是国王 self, I (insist) that my days of expeditions (be) over.” 本人,我也坚持我的探险时代已经结束。” |
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第八课:库克船长(3) |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1.have no idea不了解;不明白 相当于do not know,但是常接从句。 We had no idea it is so cold here.我们不知道这里这么冷。 短语链接:have an idea觉得;认为 2.run out of用完;耗尽 We have run out of typing paper.我们的打印纸用完了。 |
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