Lesson 7:CAPTAIN COOK(2) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/08 16:30 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1Reading comprehension阅读理解 CAPTAIN COOK(2) 库克船长(二) In April 1769 Cook's expedition arrived at the beautiful island of Tahiti in 1769年4月库克的探险队到达太平洋上美丽的 the Pacific Ocean. There they spent three happy months and were also able to 塔西提岛。他们在那里度过了愉快的3个月,并且也 watch the planet Venus crossing in front of the sun. In July they set sail again 看到了金星从太阳前面穿过。7月他们再次启航, and headed south and west in search of a new land. They finally reached New 向南向西寻找新的陆地。最后,他们到达新西兰, Zealand and for a period of six months Cook charted the coasts of the two 库克用了6个月的时间绘制了这两个海岛的海岸图,这两个 islands, separated by the narrow channel of water that he called Cook Strait. 海岛被一条狭窄的水道隔开,库克将那条通道命名为库克海峡。 Cook then sailed west to Australia. Other sailors had already charted parts 然后,库克又向西航行到了澳大利亚。在此之前,已经有其他水手 of the west and north coasts of Australia and the island of Tasmania in the 绘制了澳大利亚西海岸和北海岸的部分海图,以及南边的塔斯尼亚岛 south, but Cook was the first to map the east coast. They landed in a beautiful 的海图,而库克则是第一个绘制东海岸地图的人。他们在一个美丽的 bay that Cook named Botany Bay because of the beautiful plants that they found 海湾登陆,库克将其命名为植物湾,因为他们在那儿发现了美丽的 there. Later this was to become the place of the first foreign settlelments in 植物。这个海湾后来成为第一批移居澳大利亚的外国人的定居点。 Australia. They found Australia to be an astonishing landswheresthe soil was 他们发现澳大利亚是一个令人惊奇的地方,那儿的土壤是 red, bears climbed trees, birds ran but didn't fly and large animals jumped 红色的,熊能够爬树,鸟能跑而不能飞,有的大动物靠两条腿跳来跳去, about on two legs carrying their young in a stomach pocket. 肚子上还有一个口袋,装着幼仔。 Next they sailed up the east coast between the mainland and the Great Barrier 此后,他们沿东海岸而上,在大陆和大堡礁之间航行。 Reef. There the expedition nearly ended in disaster. The ship struck a coral 在那儿,探险队险遭灭顶之灾。他们的船撞上了 bed, which tore a large hole in the side of the ship. But Cook ordered the crew 珊瑚礁,船舷上撞了一个大洞。库克命令船员 to throw over the side of the ship guns, iron balls, pots and chains and even 把船上的枪支、铁制炮弹、坛子和铁链,甚至库存物资,全部扔出 stores to raise the boat in the water. Then they beached the ship on the shore 船外,以使船体在水中上升。然后他们又把船拖上海滩, where they were able to repair the damage. Only Cook's quick thinking saved 对损坏部位进行修理。正是由于库克的思维敏捷才挽救了 the expedition. 这支探险队伍。 The expedition passed close by the island of Java and then returned by 探险队经过爪哇岛附近,然后往回经过 southern point of Africa, arriving back in England in July 1771. The whole 非洲南端,于1771年7月回到英国。英国 country celebrated Cook's return. He had sailed round New Zealand and up the 举国欢庆库克的归来。他绕着新西兰航行,沿澳大利亚 east coast of Australia, charting over 8,000 miles of coastline that had been 东海岸而上,绘制了以前不为人知的8,000英里海岸线 unknown before. 的海图。 |
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第七课:库克船长(2) |
重点-难点-考点及疑点注释 1、set sail启航 We'll set sail for Guangzhou early next morning. 明天一早我们将起航去广州。 2、head朝……进行 常与for连接表示目的地,或与表示方向的副词连用。例如: He headed straight for his destination.他径直朝目的地走去。 3、in search of搜寻;寻找 They came here in search of a missing child. 他们来到这里寻找一个失踪的孩子。 注意:in search of和in one's search for两个短语介词不同。 4、主语+find sb. /sth. +to be+形容词或名词……发现某人/某物…… The children found the story to be a very interesting one. 孩子们发现这个故事非常有趣。 5、end in以……结束;以……告终 He will end in being punished.他终将受到惩罚。 |
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