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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/28 10:28  世博英语


  Friends,中文译名为《六人行》或《老友记》是美国正在热播的一个sitcom (即situation comedy)也就是我们所说的情景喜剧。它之所以这么受欢迎,是因为其内容轻松,语言幽默,每每令人捧腹不已。对于英语学习者来说,我们更能从中学到不少地道的口语。现在就请大家和我一起感受其中的乐趣吧!




  Monica: Why didn't you pick me?

  Phoebe: Fine. The reason that I was leaning a little bit more toward Rachel than you is just that you're…just…kinda high maintenance—Okay let's go to lunch!

  Monica: That is completely untrue. You think I'm high maintenance? Okay, prove it. I want you to make a list and we're going to go through it point by point!

  Phoebe: No, okay, you're right. You're easy-going. You're just not as easy-going as Rachel. You know she's just more flexible and-and mellow. That's all.

  Rachel: Well, people are different.

  Phoebe: Ya, you know, Rachel…she'll do whatever you want. Y'know, you can just walk all over her.

  Rachel: What? Wait a minute. What are you saying, that I'm a pushover? I'm not a pushover.

  Phoebe: Oh, okay, you're not a pushover.

  Rachel: Oh my…you think I'm a pushover. Well wait, watch this, you know what? You're not invited to lunch. What do you think of that? I think that's pretty strong, that's what I think. Come on, Monica, let's go to lunch.

  Monica: (to Phoebe) You start working on that list.


  Monica平时一直争强好胜,所以她非得搞清楚为什么Phoebe不选她(Why didn't you pick me?)这种问题实在不好回答,可Phoebe看到Monica一付不依不饶的样子后只好解释说:好吧,我之所以有那么一点点倾向于Rachel是因为你,你只是…有点难伺候(Fine. The reason that I was leaning a little bit more toward Rachel than you is just that you're…just…kinda high maintenance.)maintenance是名词,一般解释为“维护、保养”,如果某样东西一直需要人去维护保养,我们就可以把它形容为high maintenance,如high maintenance software / machine,除东西外,有些人也会需要更多的照顾、关注等等,所以high maintenance也可以用来描述人,如:high maintenance kids / women。

  Monica一听Phoebe说自己high maintenance后马上要Phoebe列张单子出来,以一一证明自己确实很难伺候(Okay, prove it. I want you to make a list and we're going to go through it point by point!)。Monica的确是不太好应付呢,Phoebe只得改口说:“好吧,你不难伺候,只不过没有Rachel那么随和而已,Rachel更加通融、温和一点(No, okay, you're right. You're easy-going. You're just not as easy-going as Rachel. You know she's just more flexible and-and mellow)”。Phoebe讲话有时真的是很不动脑子,先前她用easy-going、flexible、mellow等词来形容Rachel的性格让Rachel听着很是受用,可接下来她又说:“Ya, you know, Rachel…she'll do whatever you want.”这句话听着就有点不舒服了,Rachel也太没个性了吧,别人想怎么就怎么,说到这儿Phoebe还嫌不够,最后来了一句“Y'know, you can just walk all over her.”,walk all over sb.是一习惯用语,我们从字面上就能理解它的意思,“在某人身上走来走去”,那岂不欺人太甚?又比如:It's terrible - she lets her kids just walk all over her.

  Rachel脾气再好也受不了别人walk all over her呀,所以她跳起来对Phoebe说:“What? Wait a minute. What are you saying, that I'm a pushover? I'm not a pushover.”如果某个人或某件事是个pushover,那就表示“很容易对付”,你只需稍加用力push一下,那个人或那件事就over了,例如:

  The exam was a pushover.

  The kids all think their new English teacher's a real pushover.



  high maintenance

  walk all over sb.

  be a pushover


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