没见过的动物 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/05 12:21 世博英语 |
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作者:Andy 从前有位博物学家,确实博学多才。 第【1】串:a walking dictionary活字典,这博学多才的人 It seems that he knows about everything, so people usually call him a walking dictionary. 人们向他提出种种问题,没有一个他不知道答案。一天,有个小孩想捉弄他一下,就对他说:“学者爷爷,有一种动物很特别,您肯定不知道它的名字!” 第【2】串:to play tricks on sb.和某人开玩笑 That boy is quite mischievous and usually plays tricks on others. “笑话!”学者说,“那动物是什么样的?”“你听着,”小孩说,“那家伙有3个脑袋,6只手,18只脚,5条尾巴,100只眼睛,外加一个碗口大的肚脐眼。 第【3】串:You are kidding!你在开玩笑! Do you know that Andy has failed in the final exam? -You should be kidding. 它长着翅膀不会飞,走起路来却快如风,你说它叫什么名字?”学者冥思苦想,三天三夜也想不出来, 第【4】串:to come up with想出来 After one hour's hard thinking, he still couldn't come up with a good idea. 于是,又去翻查书籍,忙了一个月也没结果,最后,还是屈尊去问小孩。“连这个你也不知道?”小孩笑道,“书上不是写着吗,它是个妖怪。” 第【5】串:to thumb through翻查 He had thumbed through all the reference books, but still couldn't get the answer. 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)Andy原创编写!学习中国口语,传播中国文化!世博英语版权所有,未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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