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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 魔法英语--同步阅读 > Unit 15:A famous detective

Unit 15:A famous detective
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/26 00:14  新浪教育


 Passage 1


  A man shot Martin Luther King in Atlanta on 4th April, 1968. He drove a white Ford car. Who was he? The police found"Harvey Lowmeyers"gun and "John Willards"shirt, and then the white car. It was "Eric Starvo Galts"car. So what was this man's real name? Marks on the shirt and the car were sent to Los Angeles. 300 detectives questioned people. At last one found a photograph of "Galt". Then detectives in Atlanta found a fingerprint. It was on a map in "Galts"room in a small hotel. One fingerprint was enough. James Earls Ray's fingerprints were already on the FBI cards. The police watched railway stations, hotels, and airports, 3000 detectives were trying to find Ray. Yet things went unsuccessfully. The Canadian police were helping too. They looked at 24000 photographs in the passport office. Then they found one of "Ramon George Sneyd"."We gave this man a passport last month",they said."He went to London on 2nd May." The man was wearing thick glasses, but he looked like Ray. Then on 8th June, a detective at London Airport saw Sneyd's name on a passenger list. It was the end of the biggest man -hunt in history. The FBI spent 14 million dollars, but they got their man.


  1. Atlanta n.亚特兰大(美国城市)

  2. Ford福特①姓氏②Henry, 1863-1947,美国汽车制造商

  3. fingerprint n.指纹,手印

  4. FBI n.美国联邦调查局

  5. passport n.护照;通行证;执照


  ( )1The man called Ray was believed to be the real murderer of Martin Luther King because _____.

  A. some people described his looking to the police

  B. he had been to Canada and got a Canadian passport in the name of Ramon George Sneyd

  C. one of his fingerprints was the same as the one found in "Galts"room

  D. he had a white Ford car, which the police found in Atlanta( )2Which of the following is the most important key that helped to find the murderer? _____.

  A. Galt's passport

  B. Galt's car and shirt

  C. Galt's picture and gun

  D. Galt's fingerprint

  ( )3The manhunt would have been unsuccessful_____ .

  A. if the detectives hadn't questioned so many people in Atlanta and in Los Angeles

  B. if the detectives hadn't watched railway stations, hotels and airports

  C. if it hadn't been for the help of the Canadian police

  D. if the murderer hadn't worn thick glasses

  ( )4The detective at London Airport caught Ramon George Sneyd because_____ .

  A. Sneyd used a Canadian passport

  B. he was sure that Sneyd was James Earls Ray

  C. Sneyd's name was on the passenger list

  D. Sneyd looked like Ray


 Passage 2


  Nearly every boy and girl at some time has heard a policeman called a "Cop". Do you know why he is given that name? One reason is that from 1890 to 1895 the policemen in New York City were given copper badges and required to wear them. The policemen there soon began to be called "coppers" and in a short time, this was changed to "cop". Now these words are used by people in many cities in the whole country.

  In London, the policeman is called a "bobby". This name came from the first name of Sir Robert Peel, who organized Londons police force over a hundred years ago.

  There are now more than 20000 policemen in New York City alone and many thousands more in the other parts of the United States. These men are paid by the cities in which they work.

  They are expected to keep order, to see that the laws are obeyed, and to protect the citizens. The life of a policeman is not an easy one, and it is certainly not a safe one by any means. In some cities, men wishing to be policemen must take special training for this job.


  1. Cop n. A police officer警察

  2. copper n.铜

  3. badge n.徽章,像章

  4. organize vt.组织;编组;筹备,成立

  5.by any means用一切可能的方法或手段


  ( )1This passage is mainly about_____ .

  A. strange names of policemen

  B. Sir Robert Peel

  C. men who defend the law

  D. copper badges

  ( )2Londons police force was organized _____.

  A. in 1910

  B. more than a century ago

  C. long, long ago

  D. less than a hundred years ago

  ( )3Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

  A. Why Policemen Are Called "Cops" and "Bobbies"

  B. English Policemen

  C. Policemen in New York City

  D. Nicknames for People

  ( )4From the passage we can see that_____ .

  A. only America needs policemen

  B. a policeman has an easy life

  C. English and American people like to give nicknames(绰号) to policemen

  D. its easy to be a policeman


 Passage 3


  The inspector of schools arrived yesterday morning, and he spent the whole day examining the classes. The headmaster had told us a few days ___1__ that he was coming. I think the headmaster was very __2___ about it, for every day, he came to all the classes, ___3__ the teacher over and over again what they must do and examined the boys himself to see ___4__ they were ready for the inspector. He told us in our class that we were all fools and would be sure to __5___ him lose face before the inspector.

  All ___6__ made us very nervous, and when the inspector wandered into our class, we were all __7___ with fright. I felt that all I __8___ knew had gone clean __9___ my head.

  The inspector is a tall man. He wears glasses and always looks very strict. He __10___ examining the class in English, and I was asked to read. I felt very nervous, but I got __11___ without any bad mistakes. Some of the other boys, __12___ did not do so well and the inspector __13___ serious, though he did not say __14___.

  We got along better with history and geography, but when it came to maths he set us some very __15___ problems to solve which we ___16__ to do, so he looked very black at teacher. Our teacher was very __17___ with us afterwards. But I am sure we should have done better if we had not been so __18___. I think I should like to be __19___ when I grow up, because everyone should be __20___ of me.


  1. inspector n.检查员;监察员;视察者;检阅者

  2. nervous adj.不安的,神经过分紧张的

  3. wander vi.漫步;徘徊;流浪;彷徨;无目的地移动

  4. fright n.恐怖,惊吓通读短文选出一个最佳答案

  ( )1A. later B. before C. after D. ago

  ( )2A. eager B. nervous C. afraid D. sure

  ( )3A. demanded B. promised C. told D. asked

  ( )4A. whether B. how C. why D. that

  ( )5A. let B. get C. take D. make

  ( )6A. what B. which C. this D. those

  ( )7A. listening B. shouting C. exciting D. shaking

  ( )8A. never B. often C. ever D. even

  ( )9A. off B. away C. over D. out of

  ( )10A. kept B. stopped C. finished D. went

  ( )11A. on B. through C. ready D. out

  ( )12A. whatever B. otherwise C. however D. though

  ( )13A. looked B. felt C. seemed D. sounded

  ( )14A. many B. much C. few D. little

  ( )15A. easy B. hard C. interesting D. simple

  ( )16A. wanted B. failed C. liked D. managed

  ( )17A. satisfied B. surprised C. angry D. strict

  ( )18A. naughty B. careless C. frightened D. discouraged

  ( )19A. an inspector B. headmaster C. a teacher D. an office

  ( )20A. Afraid B. fond C. proud D.careful

  Passage 4


  A poor traveller stopped under the tree to eat the boiled rice and vegetables which he had brought with him. A few metres away, there was a small shop by the side of the roadswheresa woman was frying fish and selling it to travellers. The woman watched the poor traveller carefully, and when he finished his food and began to go, she shouted rudely, "You havent paid me for the fried fish!"

  "But I have not had any fried fish!" he said.

  "But everyone can see that you enjoyed the smell of my fried fish with your rice and vegetables," said the woman. "If you had not smelled the fish, your meal would not have been so pleasant!"

  Soon a crowd collected, and although they supported the poor traveller, they had to admit that the wind was blowing from the shop to the placeswhereshe had eaten, and that it had carried the smell of the fried fish to him.

  Finally, the woman took the poor traveller to a judge, who said: "The traveller ate his meal with the smell of her fried fish. The traveller agrees that the wind was blowing from the womans shop to the placeswhereshe ate his rice and vegetables and that it carried the smell of her fried fish to his nose while he was eating, so he must pay for it." "What does your fried fish cost?" he asked the woman.

  "Twentyfive cents a plate," she answered, delighted.

  "Then go outside together," said the judge. "There the traveller must hold up a twentyfivecent piece so that its shadow falls on the womans hand. The price of the smell of a plate of fried fish is the shadow of twentyfive cents."


  1. boil adj.煮熟的

  2. crowd n.人群,一群人;观众

  3. cent n. (货币单位)分,分币

  4. delighted adj.喜欢的,高兴的

  5. shadow n. (阴)影;影象;(荫)暗;影子根据文章内容判断正误

  ( )1The traveller refused to pay the woman for the fried fish because he was poor.

  ( )2The traveller had not eaten the womans fried fish at all.

  ( )3After reading the passage we thought the judge was clever.

  ( )4The judge was kind enough to give the woman twentyfive cents.

  参考答案Passage 1

  1. C依据文章第6-8句内容可以判断出他的指印与那个房间发现的相同。

  2. D根据常识,大家都知道,指纹是最确切的破案依据之一。因为世界上几乎没有相同的指纹。

  3. C依据文中"The canadian police were helping too."这句话,我们知道,如果没有加拿大警察的帮助,这个案件是不可能圆满侦破的。

  4. B依据文中"They found one of 'Ramon Gerorge sneyd',...but he looked like Ray"这句话,他们在24000张照片中发现一个叫Ramon George Sneyd的长相与James Earls Ray很相似,最后断定Sneyd就是Ray。

  Passage 2

  1. A通过阅读第一段,我们知道美国警察有个奇怪的名字叫"cop"和"bobby"英国警察叫"bobby"。

  2. B依据第二段第二句内容我们知道英国警察叫"bobby",组建于一百多年以前。

  3. A全文都在谈警察,尤其是"cop"的来历。

  4. C阅读全文,你可了解到London的警察被称为"bobby",New York City的警察被叫作"cop"。因此选C项,其他三项均无意义。

  Passage 31. B此句谓语动词用过去完成时,故应选before。

  2. B根据文章意思得知校长为此事而不安。be nervors about sth.意为"为……而不安。"

  3. C学校校长每天都到各班反复强调,再三叮嘱老师们应该做什么事情。

  4. Awhether意为"是否",引导宾语从句。

  5. Dmake sb. do sth.是常用句型。

  6. C代词this代替上文提到的事,A、B项是疑问代词,D项those是复数形式都不合题意。

  7. D从关键词"fright"来判断孩子们为此事吓得直发抖。

  8. Cnever意为"决不";often意为"经常";even意为"甚至";ever意为"曾经"。句子意思是:我曾经记住的东西现在全忘空了。

  9. Dout of my head意为"在……之外"。我脑子一片空白,我觉得我所知道的一切由于惊吓全忘得一干二净了。

  10. Akeep doing sth.意思是"连续做……"。

  11. Bget through意为"完成",这里指没有出错把文章很流利地读完。






  17.Cbe angry with sb.是固定搭配。



  20.Abe afraid of sb./sth.意为"害怕某人/某事",文章充分显示了小孩子单纯、幼稚的思想。因为同学们都害怕检查官,因此,他想长大了一定要当个检查官。

  Passage 41. F游客拒绝付给卖鱼的钱不是因为他穷,而是因为他根本就没有吃她的鱼。

  2. T从上一题的分析中可知答案。

  3. T文章第五段告诉我们,卖鱼的妇女把这个游客带去见法官。从文章最后一段可知:法官在处理这个问题上显得很有心计。4. F文章最一段告诉我们:聪明的法官判给卖鱼的仅仅是二十五分钱的影子。

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