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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/27 10:08  世博英语



  U.S. Abortion Policy Closes African Clinics

  Wed Sep 24, 4:19 PM ET


  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush's anti-abortion policy has forced family planning clinics in poor countries to close, leaving some communities without any healthcare, according to a report issued Wednesday.


  【讲解】abortion,Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival.促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排出。

  Even faith-based clinics that promote abstinence -- in line with White House policy -- have had to close, according to organizers. Under the policy, known as the Global Gag rule by opponents, foreign family planning agencies cannot receive U.S. funds if they provide abortion services or lobby to make or keep abortion legal in their own country.


  【讲解】abstinence,The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite, as for food.节食避免放纵欲望的行为或习惯,如食欲。Abstinence from alcoholic drinks is advisable.戒饮烈性酒是有益的。abstinence、self-denial、temperance、sobriety、continence是近义词,进行简要解释区分。These nouns refer to restraint of one's appetites or desires. Self-denial指为了实现更高的目标,如为了他人的利益而控制自己的欲望:She practiced self-denial insgroupsto provide for her family's needs. Temperance in its general sense refers to moderation and self-restraint.为了家人的需要,她克制着自己;Temperance通常意义上指节制和自我控制:negotiations marked by the temperance of the participants,参与各方都很克制的谈判;sobriety指在举止、方式和对待事物上严肃认真,两个名词都表示对酒制品消费的节制和戒除:Teetotalers preach temperance for everyone.完全戒酒者为每个人祈祷节制饮酒。Continence特指性生活上的节制。

  in line with,符合。

  gag rule is also called gag law,A rule, as in a legislative body, limiting discussion or debate on an issue.限制言论或讲座自由的法律、法规。

  Lobby,To try to influence (an official) to take a desired action.陈情试图努力影响(官员)采取有利行动。

  A survey of Ethiopia, Kenya, Romania and Zambia by Population Action International and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America showed the rule had forced clinics to close and left many men and women without access to contraceptives that could prevent both unwanted pregnancies and AIDS.


  【讲解】contraceptive,A device, drug, or chemical agent that prevents conception.避孕用具。

  Last month Bush ordered the State Department to strengthen the rule by withholding U.S. family planning help from overseas groups that promote or perform abortions with their own money.


  【讲解】Withhold,To keep in check; restrain.使停止;限制,阻挡。to withhold payment ,拒付。


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