约会小伎俩(2) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/29 10:42 世博英语 |
作者:Starry_Night Friends,中文译名为《六人行》或《老友记》是美国正在热播的一个sitcom (即situation comedy)也就是我们所说的情景喜剧。它之所以这么受欢迎,是因为其内容轻松,语言幽默,每每令人捧腹不已。对于英语学习者来说,我们更能从中学到不少地道的口语。现在就请大家和我一起感受其中的乐趣吧! 第五十三篇 在上一篇中我们讲到Rachel想知道Joey在约会时会有哪些moves,现在就让我们来听听: 语音讲解: Joey: Oh alright. Umm, well, okay, I usually start byshavingsa bottle of wine sent to my table from a fan. Rachel: Oh my God. And that works? Joey: Well it does when you combine it with, "This is so embarrassing, I just want to have a normal life!" Rachel: Oh, you poor little famous man. Joey: Oh okay, how about this one. I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you, but you’re so beautiful…I don’t think I can. Rachel: Oh my God! Wow! That was fantastic, I almost leaned in. I really almost did! 【世博视角】 Joey是个演肥皂剧(soap opera)的小演员,虽然没啥名气,但这个特定的职业还是会让一些女孩子对他感兴趣的,而他也十分善用这个优势,比如在约会时他会让人以影迷的名义送一杯酒过来(I usually start byshavingsa bottle of wine sent to my table from a fan.)也真亏Joey想得出这种伎俩,不过Rachel在惊奇之余还有些怀疑,女孩子们真的会吃他这一套?于是她问Joey:Oh my God. And that works? work这个词相信大家都知道吧,不过当你要表示某种方法行之有效时,你会不会想到用它呢? 光让人送一杯酒过来可能还不是十分有效,所以Joey每次还要说上这么一句:"This is so embarrassing, I just want to have a normal life! (这真让人受不了,我只想过普通人的生活)"怎么样,此话一出非同凡响吧?不过这话骗骗别的女孩子还行,Rachel可是太了解Joey了,所以她有些戏谑地回应说:Oh, you poor little famous man.(名人难做啊)。Joey一看Rachel对于这招不怎么感冒,又来一招更绝的,只听到他充分发挥演员的本领,深情款款地说到:I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you, but you’re so beautiful…I don’t think I can.(我本打算到最后才吻你的,可你如此美丽,让我情不自禁)。听着听着,Rachel像着了迷似的,居然有点向Joey凑了过去,然后忽然醒捂道:Oh my God! Wow! That was fantastic, I almost leaned in. I really almost did! Rachel差点就凑上去等着Joey吻她了! 下一篇我们看看Rachel会有什么moves。 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)Starry_Night原创编写!让我们通过电影轻松学英语!世博英语版权所有!未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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