勇者打的 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/30 10:09 世博英语 |
作者:Andy 从理论上来说,百分之九十以上的人,在三十岁之前都会喝醉过一次。 第【1】串:be bright in the eye喝醉了 Look, you are bright in the eye again!swheresdid you go? 至于喝醉之后的样子,可谓品种齐全,花样繁多,让人忍俊不禁…… 第【2】串:of great diversity多种多样 When you go to the market, you would find commodities of great diversity. 一次吃饭,一个哥儿们喝的有些高,但看起来还算清醒,大伙就没理他。 第【3】串:sober up清醒下来 Five hours later, he sobered up and made up his mind to stop drinking. 饭局散场的时候,这哥儿们忽然冲到马路中央,伸手拦住了一辆正在巡逻的110警车, 第【4】串:on patrol巡逻 The police car was on patrol in the street when it was stopped by a drunkard. 然后拉开车门,冲坐在里面的警察大声说:我知道你们这车一块一一公里,(某地的出租车定价是每公里一块一)可你们也用不着写这么大给我看,你们以为我是近视眼呀…… 第【5】串:shortsighted近视的 He is a bit shortsighted, so you'd better put it closer to his eyes. 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)Andy原创编写!学习中国口语,传播中国文化!世博英语版权所有,未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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