2003/10/17 10:39 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
澳大利亚 Australia is as old as time. Probably it was once connected to South 澳大利亚就如同时间一样古老。它很可能曾经同南美洲 America, but the continents separated as the earth's plates moved. Having 相连,但随着地球板块的移动,这两个大陆分离开了。由于 been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many 同其他大陆分离了几百万年之久,澳大利亚有许多 plants and animals not found anywhere else in the world. One strange animal 世界上其他地方所没有的动植物。有一种奇怪的动物 lays eggs, yet feeds its young on its milk. Kangaroos and koala bears give birth 会产卵,但又给幼崽哺乳。袋鼠和考拉熊生产的幼崽都 to very small and weak young. They are then carried in a pocket of folded skin 很小很瘦弱。它们生下来后就被装在 on the mother's stomach for several months while they feed on the mother's milk 母亲肚皮上折叠式的口袋中,它们要在这儿呆上几个月,吮吸母乳, and grow stronger. Also in Australia there are many varieties of parrots, and 逐渐长壮。在澳大利亚还有很多种鹦鹉, over 140 different types of snakes, many of which are extremely dangerous. 以及140多种蛇,其中不少是非常危险的毒蛇。 Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent. 澳大利亚是世界上惟一覆盖整个大陆的国家。 From north to south the distance is 3,220 km and from east to west 3,860 km. 从北到南的距离是3,220公里,从东到西为3,860公里。 In area it is about the same size as the USA(without Alaska), which has more 就面积上而言,它大体上相当于美国(阿拉斯加除外),而美国的 than thirteen times as many people. Today about 85% of the population of 18 人口却是澳大利亚人口的13倍还多。今天澳大利亚的1,800万人口 million live in the six major cities around the coast. Two thirds of the country 中大约有85%都居住在沿海的六个大城市里。这个国家有2/3的 is dry or desert. 地方气候干燥,或是沙漠。 It is an extremely rich country. It produces metals, precious stones, 澳大利亚是一个相当富裕的国家。它出产金属、宝石、 coal, grain, meat and wines, and has the biggest iron mines in the world. 煤、谷物、肉类和酒,而且还有世界上最大的铁矿。 Australia has about one sixth of the world's sheep and produces almost one third 澳大利亚的绵羊约占世界绵羊的1/6,羊毛产量几乎占世界产量 of its wool. Cattle are also kept, and about 15 million tons of wheat are grown 的1/3。澳大利亚还饲养牛,并且每年大约生产1,500万吨小麦。 every year. Fruit and vegetables are grown in areasswheresthere is enough water. 水源充足的地区还种植水果和蔬菜。 A long fence runs for hundreds of kilometres across Australia. The purpose 有一条横贯澳大利亚长达数百公里的栅栏,它是 of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a“dingo”. Dingoes hunt at 用来阻止一种叫dingo的野狗的。这种野狗夜间 night and like to attack sheep. Farms in the middle of Australia are so large 出来猎食,喜欢袭击羊群。澳大利亚中部的 that farmers use motor bikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep 农场很大,以致农场主要用摩托车或直升飞机来赶羊 or cattle. 或赶牛。 The climate is different depending on the area. The south has cool, wet 气候随地区的不同而有区别。南部地区的冬季凉爽而 winters and warm, dry summers. The north has warm, dry winters and hot, 湿润,夏季则温暖而干燥。北部地区的冬季温暖而干燥,夏季则炎热 wet summers. The center of Australia is hot and dry all the year round. 而潮湿。澳大利亚的中部则一年四季都炎热而干燥。因为这样的 Because of such a climate, much of daily life happens outdoors. Australians 气候条件,所以大部分的日常生活都是在户外进行的。澳大利亚人 love sports and win world competitions in tennis, sailing and swimming. If you 喜欢体育运动,在网球、赛艇、游泳项目上经常在世界比赛中取胜。如果你 are asked to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meat 被邀请去澳大利亚人的家里做客,你很可能会在户外进餐,并在火上烤肉 or fish on an open fire. At weekends many Australians go walking and camping 或烤鱼。周末的时候,许多澳大利亚人都到乡村去散步或露营, in the countryside, called the“bush”. For holidays, many people visit the 他们称乡村为“丛林地”。节假日里,许多人参观澳大利亚 Great Barrier Reef off the northeast coast of Australia, which has 700 islands. 东北海岸的大堡礁,它是由700个岛屿构成的。 |
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第十一课:澳大利亚 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1be connected to ...与……连在一起 America used to be connected to Asia.美洲以前与亚洲连在一起。 2separate...from...把……和……分开 It is the river that separates the village from that town. 是这条河流把这个村庄和那个镇分开了。 3Having been separated from other continents for millions of years,... (现在)分词短语作原因状语,需注意其逻辑主语应与的主语句子一致。例如: Coming out of the theatre, we found it very difficult to find a taxi. 从剧院出来,我们发现很难找到出租车。 Punished by the teacher for his cheating in the test, Tom felt rather upset. 由于考试作弊受到老师的惩罚,汤姆感到非常沮丧。 4feed...on...给(人或动物)某物作为食物 She fed her dog on meat.她用肉喂狗。 短语链接:feed upon/on以……为食,靠……为生; be fed up with腻烦,讨厌;用……去喂…… 5give birth to生产;引起;使发生 That mother gave birth to a cute baby.那位妈妈生了一个可爱的宝宝。 The article gave birth to a fierce controversy.文章引起了一场激烈的争论。 6varieties of各种各样的 There are varieties of plants in the forest.森林中有各种各样的植物。 同义词链接:various; many kinds of 7..., which has more than thirteen times as many people. 本句是一个有关倍数比较的省略句,其完整形式应为:…which has more than thirteen times as many people as Australia. 句型链接:A is…times the size(length, width, height, etc. )of B. A是B的……倍大(长、宽、高等);A is : times as : as B. A是B的……倍;A is : times more than B. A比B多……倍 8in area在面积上 China is larger than India in area.在面积上中国要比印度大。 9keep...out把……关在外面;不使……进入;留在外面 They intended to keep us out of their house. 他们有意不让我们进入他们的房子。 Danger! Keep out!危险!切勿入内! 10round up赶拢;集中 They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle. 他们试图把分散的牲口赶在一起。 11depend on依……决定,视……而定 Whether we will go outing tomorrow or not depends on/upon the weather. 我们明天是否郊游要看天气而定。 同义词链接:rely on 12all the year around一年到头 The trees are green all the year round.这些树木四季常青。 |
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