第三十三课:体操 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:09 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Dialogue对话……………………………… Sharon is a gymnast. She is at the doctor's. 莎伦是个体操运动员。她正在诊所里。 DOCTOR:Good morning. What can I do for you? 医生:早上好。什么地方不舒服? SHARON:There's something wrong with my left shoulder. I hurt it while I 莎伦:我的左肩疼痛。我做体操时受了伤。 was doing gym. I've got a pain here too. 我这儿也疼。 DOCTOR:Let me take a look at your shoulder.swheresdoes it hurt? 医生:让我看看你的肩膀。哪儿疼? SHARON:Here and here. And I can only move my arm as much as this. 莎伦:这儿和这儿。我只能这样摆动手臂。 DOCTOR:Mmm, I see. It feels a bit tense. (Gently moves her arm and shoulder. ) 医生:嗯,我知道了。摸起来有点硬。(轻轻摆动她的手臂和肩膀。) What happened exactly? 当时是怎么回事? SHARON:I was doing some exercises on the highandlow bars. When I landed, 莎伦:我当时在高低杠上练习。落地时, I fell forward and hurt myself. Someone was standing too close 向前摔倒受了伤。有人站得离我太近, and I knocked /into/ him and fell over onto my shoulder. 我撞在了他身上,肩膀着地跌了一跤。 DOCTOR:It's nothing serious. I think you've been very fortunate. Have you 医生:不要紧。你很幸运。你用过 ever used the hotclothandfrozenpeas treatment? 热布—冻豌豆疗法吗? SHARON:Frozen peas?No! 莎伦:冻豌豆?没有用过? DOCTOR:It's quite simple. You put a very hot, wet cloth on your shoulder for 医生:很简单。你把一块很热的湿布敷在肩膀上 one minute. Then put a packet of frozen peas on the shoulder for one 一分钟,然后再把一包冻豌豆敷在肩膀上一 minute. And so on and so on. 分钟。这样反复多次。 SHARON:What does that do? 莎伦:这有什么用呢? DOCTOR:The change between hot and cold temperatures makes the blood move 医生:冷热交替使肩膀周围的血液循环, around the shoulder and the damaged parts begin to repair themselves. 受伤的部位开始自我修复。 SHARON:That sounds very interesting!I'll buy some frozen peas at the 莎伦:听起来很有意思!我回家时在 supermarket on my way home. 超市买些冻豌豆。 DOCTOR:Use this treatment twice a day for a week. And another thing, at the 医生:一天治疗两次,一周为一个疗程。还有, end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They won't be fit to eat. 一周后把冻豌豆扔掉。它们不能吃。 |
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第三十三课:体操 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1in/at the sb. 's表场所。例如: at the lawyer's在律师事务所 短语链接:at the doctor's在诊所;at the barber's在理发店;at the baker's在面包店;at the butcher's在肉店 2There is something wrong with sb. /sth.有时也作Something is wrong with sb. /sth.表示“某人/某物有问题/有毛病”。例如: There is something wrong with (Something is wrong with)the design. 设计有点问题。 3take a look at看一下 “take/have+名词”是英语中的一种常见结构,表示短暂的动作。 May I take a look at your picture?我可以看一下你的照片吗? 短语链接:take/have a rest休息;take/have a nap小憩;take/have a walk散步;take/have a sleep睡一觉 4. as many/much as...多达……;达……程度 Working in the USA, he earned as much as US ,000 a month. 在美国工作时,他每日挣3,000美元。 5knock /into/碰撞 He knocked /into/ the chair in the dark.他在黑暗中撞倒了椅子。 6fall over跌跤 Jack pushed on through the snow. Then he began to fall over his own feet. 杰克在大雪中艰难地行走。然后他开始踉跄地摔起跟头来。 7fortunate幸运的;带来运气的 You are a fortunate man.你是一个幸运之人。 句型链接:be fortunate+不定式做某事很幸运;be fortunate+in短语……很幸运;be fortunate for...对某人来说很幸运 8and so on and so on就这样反复进行 The water is turned /into/ vapour and is cooled and turned /into/ vapour again, and so on and so on. 水加热变成水蒸气,然后冷却,再变成水蒸气,如此循环反复。 9do sth twice a day一天两次做某事 Take the medicine twice a day.这药一天服两次。 |
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