第三十一课:一个意志坚强的人 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:04 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1. Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
一个意志坚强的人(二) Many years later, I was sailing to Europe on a fine sailing ship across the 许多年以后,我搭乘一艘横渡大西洋的豪华客轮 Atlantic. For the greater part of the voyage we had pleasant weather, but to- 去欧洲。在这次航行的大部分时间里,天气都很好,但是 wards the end of our crossing a terrible storm came up and the ship would have 在航程临近结束时刮起了可怕的风暴,要不是由于船长的努力, sunk with all on board but for the efforts of the captain. 所有的乘客就会跟着轮船一起沉没了。 The ship started to leak and began to fill with water. The sailors were 船开始漏水,海水开始往船里灌。船员们都很 strong, able and willing. But after pumping for one whole night, they were los- 强壮、能干并且很主动。但抽了一整夜的水之后,他们没能 ing the battle against the rising water and were on the point of giving up. 战胜不断上升的水,他们快要放弃努力了。 The captain, as soon as he realized the situation, took charge. He or- 船长一看到这种情况就立即亲自上阵。他命令 dered the sailors back to their pumps and encouraged them fiercely to save the 水手回到抽水机旁,鼓励他们竭尽全力挽救 ship. His strong will doubled their efforts. How the men pumped like crazy! 轮船。他的坚强意志使得他们加倍努力。水手们发疯般地抽着水! As the captain passed me, I asked him whether there was any hope of saving 当船长走过我身边时,我问他是否还有希望救下 the ship. 这艘船。 He looked at me.“Yes, sir,”he said.“While my feet remain standing 他看着我。“有,先生,”他说道。“只要我的这双脚还站在 above the water level, there is hope. Neither I nor any of the sailors will leave 水平面以上,就有希望。只要这艘船还在海面上,无论是我还 the ship so long as it remains above the surface of the sea. We shall do every- 是水手都不会弃船而去的。我们将尽一切 thing we can to save the ship, and if we fail, it will not be our fault.”Then he 力量来拯救这艘船;这样如果我们失败了,就不是我们的过失了。”然后他 turned to all the passengers and shouted,“To the pumps, every one of you!” 转向船上的全体乘客,大声说道:“去抽水,你们每个人都去!” Three times during that day we were on the point of giving up. But the 那天,有三次我们快要放弃了。但是 captain's courage, determination and iron will forced us to continue, and we 船长的勇气、决心及铁一般的意志使得我们坚持了下来,我们回 went back to the pumps.“I will land you safe in Liverpool,”he cried,“if you 到了抽水机旁。“只要你们顽强地、坚定地跟我站在一起,”他喊道, will stay strong and firm with me.” “我一定把你们平安地送到利物浦上岸。” And in the end he did land us safe, but the ship sank soon after it reached 最后他的确把我们平安地送上了岸,但是那艘船在到达利物浦 the port of Liverpool. The captain stood at the edge of the ship once it was 港后不久就沉没了。在港口,轮船一(安全)靠岸, safely tied up to the wall of the port and received the thanks of the passengers 船长就站在船边接受匆匆下船的 as they hurried off the ship. As I expressed to him my thanks, he held my hand 乘客们对他的谢意。当我向他表达我的感谢时,他紧紧地抓住 firmly, looked /into/ my eyes and said,“Sir, don't you recognize me?”I told 我的手,看着我的眼睛说道:“先生,你还认得我吗?”我说 him that I did not. 我不认得了。 “Do you remember the boy who you followed when he had so much diffi- “你还记得大约30年前在辛辛那提市您跟着一个男孩去 culty in buying a geography book, some thirty years ago in Cincinnati?” 买一本地理书的事吗?当时他遇到了许多困难。” “Why yes. I remember that boy very well. His name was William Hartley.” “呃,是的。我清清楚楚地记得他。他的名字叫威廉·哈特利”。 “I am that same William Hartley.” “我就是那个威廉·哈特利。” “Goodness!”I said.“What good fortune that I traveled with you as my “啊!”我说道,“有你当我的船长,旅行是多么幸运啊! captain! The determination that thirty years ago got you that geography book 30年前你的坚强意志使你得到了那本地理书, has today saved our lives.” 而今天它挽救了我们大家的性命。” |
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第三十一课:一个意志坚强的人 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1come up (机会等)出现;发生 A light breeze came up.一阵微风刮起。 2主语+would have done sth. +but for+sth.要不是……就…… but for是短语介词,相当于without,意思是“如果不是……”,相当于一个虚拟条件句。 But for the snow, we would have had a very pleasant journey. 如果不下雪,我们的旅行会是非常愉快的。 3on the point of在……的时刻,正要(去做某事) The teacher came in when we were on the point of returning home. 我们正准备回家,老师进来了。 注意be on the point of doing sth.相当于be about to do sth.短语中的介词on有时可替换为at。 4like crazy拼命地 短语链接:be crazy on/about sth.醉心于……;be crazy with joy欣喜若狂 辨析:crazy常指由于忧虑、悲伤、欣喜、渴望、激动等某种强烈的情绪而起的一种神经错乱和失去控制的精神状态,具有“狂热”、“着迷”等含义。 mad指精神失常狂乱,完全失去理智,不能控制自我的一种病态。 5so long as只要 相当于as long as,常用于引导条件状语从句。 As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what you do. 只要你高兴,干什么都行。 6And in the end he did land us safe.最后他的确把我们平安送上了岸。 句中did为助动词,加强语气。例如: Do tell me all about yourself.请把你的一切告诉我吧。 7hurry off匆忙离开 After a few words, he hurried off.说过几句话后,他匆忙离开了。 |
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