第三十二课:一个意志坚强的人 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:06 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2. Practice练习……………………………… Put the verbs /into/ the correct forms. 用下列动词的正确形式填空。 Suddenly my life ____(change) again. Tomorrow I____ (take) 我的生活又突然发生了变化。明天我将作为 charge of my first ship as captain. It____ (be) the most exciting day in my 船长负责我的第一艘船的工作。明天将是我一生中最激动的一天。 life. To be honest, I ____(have) no idea this ____(happen) so soon. I 说实话,我不知道这件事发生得这么快。 ____(get) more money from now on, of course. But it ____(be) the ex 当然从现在开始我将赚更多的钱。但是最让 citement of____ (be) a captain at last that ____(please) me most. 我兴奋的事情还是终于当上了船长。 My life____ (get) steadily better ever since that day when I____ 我12岁那年,一位不知名的绅士送给我2美元 (be) twelve and an unknown gentleman ____(give) me two dollars to buy 买书,从那时起我的生活就 some books. What a surprise it____ (be)! This____ (be) the first time 逐渐好转。多么令人吃惊啊!这是我第一次 I____ (ever have) books of my own. With my new geography and mathe 拥有自己的书。有了新的地理和数学 matics books, I soon ____(catch) up with the other boys. Then I____ 书,我很快就赶上了其他男孩。后来我找了 (find) a job in the evenings. It____ (mean) I ____(be) free during the 一份夜间工作,那就意味着白天我将有时 daytime to go to school. I ____(work) hard and ____(make) good pro 间去上学。我努力学习,进步很快。 gress. But sometimes I ____(wonder) if I ____ ever____ (be) able to 但有时我也怀疑我是否能够到海 go to sea. 上航行。 When I ____(leave) school, I____ (be) lucky and ____(man- 我毕业时,幸运地在一艘商船上 age) to get a job on a merchant ship. Every week we ____(sail) down the 找到了一份工作。每周,从纽约装完货物之后, coast with goods from New York. I____(be) happier than I ____ ever 我们沿海岸顺流而下。那是我一生中 ____(be) in my life. Sometimes it ____(be) hard, especially in winter 最快乐的一段时光。这种生活有时很苦,特别是 when the weather ____(be) bad. I ____(remember) one time when we 冬天天气很糟的时候。我记得有一次我们 ____(sail) down the coast. It ____(rain) and we ____(can) see only 沿海岸顺流而下,天下着雨,我们只能看到 a hundred metres ahead of us. I____ (be) worried that we ____(may) 前面100米远的地方。我担心我们撞上 hit another boat, but fortunately we____ (not do) and we____ 其他的船只,但幸运的是我们没有,而且安全 (reach) the port safely. 到达了港口。 |
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第三十二课:一个意志坚强的人 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 take charge of掌管;负责;照看 The old lady takes charge of the children.这位老太太照顾这些孩子们。 An experienced engineer took charge of the project. 一名有经验的工程师负责这项工程。 同义词链接:be in charge of |
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