第三十课:一个意志坚强的人 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/17 12:03 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 1Reading comprehension阅读理解………………
一个意志坚强的人(一) Many years ago I walked /into/ a bookstore in Cincinnati in search of some 很多年以前,我走进辛辛那提市的一家书店,想找几本 books that I wanted. While I was there, a young boy of about twelve came in to 我想买的书。我在书店里的时候,一个大约12岁的小男孩走进 ask whether they had any geography books for sale. 店来问是否有地理书卖。 “Plenty of them,”was the shop assistant's reply. “多的是,”店员回答。 “How much do they cost?” “要多少钱?” “One dollar each, young man.” “一元钱一本,小伙子。” “Oh, dear! I didn't know they cost so much.”He turned to go out and “哦!我不知道要这么多钱。”他转身往外走,并且 had already opened the door, but then he paused and came back to the counter. 已经打开了门;但在那时他又停了下来,走回柜台边。 “I've only got 62 cents,”he said.“Will you let me have the book and wait a “我只有62分钱”,他说,“你能不能让我先拿走这本书,等我过 little while for the rest of the money?” 一些时候再付其余的钱?” How eagerly he looked up at the sales assistant for an answer, and how 他热切地看着店员期望得到答复, disappointed he looked when the man refused his request! Looking up at me 而当店员拒绝他的请求时又显得多么失望啊!小男孩抬起头望望我, with a weak smile, the boy left the store. I followed him. 微微一笑,然后就离开了书店。我跟在他后面。 “And what now?”I asked. “现在你打算怎么办?”我问道。 “I shall try another place, sir.” “我要到别处去试试,先生。” “Do you mind if I come along too and see how you get on?” “要是我也跟你一起去看看你怎么办,你不介意吧?” “If you like,”he said in surprise. We went to four different stores together, “如果你愿意,你就跟我去吧。”他惊讶地说。我们一起先后走进了四 and four times I saw the boy's eager face turn to disappointment. 家书店,我四次看到他那急切盼望的脸上转而露出失望的神色。 “Are you going to try again?”I asked. “你还要再试一次吗?”我问。 “Yes, sir. Unless I visit every bookstore in town, I shall not know wheth- “是的。先生。如果我不到城里的每一家书店去看一看,我就不知道 er I can get what I want.” 是否能买到我想要的书。” We entered the fifth store and the boy walked straight up to the counter 我们走进第五家书店,小男孩径直走向柜台,直截了当地告诉 and told the bookseller just what he wanted and how much money he had. 那个卖书的人他想买什么,他有多少钱。 “Do you want the book very much?”asked the bookseller. “你很想要这本书吗?”卖书的人问道。 “Yes, sir, very much.” “是的,先生,我很想要。” “Why do you want it so badly?” “为什么你这么想要这本书呢?” “To study, sir. I can't go to school, but when I have time I study at “为了学习,先生。我不能上学,但我有空的时候,就在家 home. All the other boys have geography books and they will be ahead of me if 学习。别的男孩都有地理书,如果我弄不到一本书, I don't get one. Besides, my father was a sailor, and I want to know about all 他们就会超过我。还有,我父亲当过水手,我想了解他所 the places he used to go to.” 去过的那些地方的情况。” “Does he still go to these places?” “他现在还去这些地方吗?” “He is dead,”replied the boy softly. A moment later he added,“I'm “他去世了,”那男孩轻声回答。过了一会儿他又补充到:“将来我 going to be a sailor too.” 也要当一名水手。” “Are you, young man?”said the bookseller with a curious look. “是吗,小伙子?”卖书人带着好奇的神色说道。 “Yes, indeed, sir, if I possibly can.” “是的,先生,如果可能的话。” “Well, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll let you have the new geography “好吧,那我就告诉你我将怎么办。我让你拿走这本新的地理书, book and you may pay me the rest of the money when you can, or I can let you 不够的钱你可以在能够还的时候还我;或者我卖给 have a secondhand book for fifty cents.” 你一本旧书,只收你50分。” “Are you sure that there are no pages missing, and that it is just like the “您能保证这一本没有缺页,和其他的书一模一样,只不过 others, only secondhand?” 是二手货吗?” “Yes, it's as good as the new ones.” “是的,它和那些新书一模一样。” “Well, in that case it'll do just as well, and then I shall have twelve “要是那样,就这么办了。我还可以剩下12美分去买 cents left to buy some other books. I'm glad they didn't let me have one at 别的书。刚才在别处他们不肯卖给我书, any of the other places.” 现在我倒为此感到高兴。” At the boy's last remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously. I told 听到男孩最后的那句话,卖书的人好奇地看看他。我就 him what I had seen and heard at the five other places. To the boy's delight, 把我在另外五家书店的所见所闻告诉了他。令男孩高兴的是, the bookseller gave him a nice new pencil and some writing paper. 卖书的人还送给他一支漂亮的新铅笔和一些写字纸。 “A present, young man, for your great determination,”he said.“You “小伙子,这点礼物是为你的坚强意志而送给你的,”他说道,“显然 are obviously a person of great courage.” 你是一个勇敢的人。” “Thank you, sir, it's very kind of you.” “谢谢您,先生,您真好。” “What is your name, young man?” “你叫什么名字,小伙子?” “William Hartley, sir.” “威廉·哈特利,先生。” I looked /into/ the boy's serious but eager face and asked him,“Do you 我看着男孩那严肃而带着热切神情的脸庞问他:“你还要 want any more books?” 买别的书吗?” “Yes, more than I can ever get,”he replied. “是的,我要买的书多着呢,”他答道。 I gave him two dollars.“Take this money and buy yourself some more books.” 我给了他2元钱。“拿这些钱去给你自己再买些书吧。” Tears of joy filled his eyes. For one moment I thought he was going to 他高兴得热泪盈眶。那会儿,我想他的眼泪就要夺眶 burst /into/ tears.“Thank you very much indeed, sir,”he said.“I hope that 而出了。“真的太谢谢您了,先生。”他说道,“我希望将来 oneday I shall be able to repay you.” 有一天能报答您。” He asked for my name and I told him. Then I left him standing by the 他问了我的姓名,我告诉了他,然后我走了。他站在柜台旁, counter so happy that I almost envied him. 是那么地高兴,我倒有点羡慕起他来了。 |
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第三十课:一个意志坚强的人 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1in search of搜寻 We started off at once in search of the missing child. 我们马上出发寻找那个失踪的孩子。 短语链接:in one's search for为了寻找……;make a search for (after)寻求,寻找,探求;search for (after)找,寻找,探求;search out找出; search through...把……搜一遍 2And what now? 这个句子是省略句,其完整形式为:What are you going to do now? 3Do you mind if+主语+一般现在时态?如果……你介意吗? 这是征求别人意见的一个常用句型,有时mind后面接Ving形式。 —Do you mind if I open the window? (Do you mind my opening the window?) 我打开窗子你不介意吧? —No, not at all.是的,不介意。 句型链接:Would you mind if +主语+一般过去时态? 4turn to (使)变成;求助于 The snow turned to rain when they got further down the mountain. 他们走到山的更低的地方时,雪变成雨了。 5ahead of比……高;优于;超越;在……之前 We are well ahead of all the other teams at present. 目前我们远远胜过其他各队。 We fulfilled the plan ahead of the schedule.我们提前完成了计划。 6in that case如果是那样的话 It may rain tomorrow. In that case, we'll have to put off the sports meet till next Saturday. 明天可能会下雨。如果那样的话,我们只好把运动会推迟到下个星期六了。 短语链接:in case假使,万一(作连词使用);in case of 万一,假如发生(后面接名词或动名词);in any case无论如何,总之;in good case 身体健康;in no case决不;in this case假使这样的话 7to one's delight使某人高兴的是 To my delight, my umbrella wasswheresI had left it. 令我高兴的是,我的伞还放在原来的地方。 短语链接:to my surprise使我吃惊的是;to my satisfaction使我满意的是;to my sadness令我伤心的是 句型链接:delight+名词/代词使……高兴;be delighted at... 对……感到高兴;be delighted with...对……感到高兴;be delighted to do...高兴做某事;be delighted that...高兴……;take delight in...乐于干……,爱好…… 8look /into/注视着;调查;检查;研究 The policeman looked /into/ the man's eyes, trying to find if he was the robber they were catching. 警察盯着那个人的眼睛,想断定此人是否是他们一直在追捕的抢劫犯。 Our general manager ordered me to look /into/ that at once. 总经理责令我马上调查此事。 9Yes, more than I can ever get.这是一个省略句,其完整形式为:Yes, I want more books that I can ever get.意思是:是的,我要的书比我买的要多。 10burst /into/ tears突然大哭 Hearing the news, she burst /into/ tears.听到这个消息,她突然大哭起来。 短语链接:burst /into/ laughing/laughter捧腹大笑/爆发出大笑;burst with anger勃然大怒;burst /into/ the room闯入房间 |
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