挑选礼物 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/10/22 14:06 开口ABC |
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语音讲解: Aside from a few symbolic gifts, most products are considered suitable gifts by Americans. Americans like to say that it's not the kind of gift that matters, the thought is what counts. Traditional gift- giving times are: weddings, birthdays, Christmas, baby showers, and anniversaries. You are expected to choose a gift for your romantic partner on at least your 6-month or yearly anniversaries. If you forget...she/he might decide to forget about you! 除了少数有象征意义的礼物以外,在美国人眼中没有什么礼物是不恰当的。他们喜欢说:送什么并不重要,重要的是心意。传统的送出礼物的节日有:婚礼,生日,圣诞节,婴儿受洗日及周年纪念。当你与恋人交往半年或一年时,最好送给对方一件礼物。如果你忘记了……对不起,对方可能会决定是不是要忘记你。 [点评]:"千里送鹅毛,礼轻情谊重。"原来中西方在送礼方面还有很多相通的共同点。但是Shirley还是喜欢别人送她贵重的东西。 |
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