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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 面试来临时

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/02 10:38  世博英语




  1) I got the jitters.


  NOTE2: I get nervous/anxious.

  2) He is clean as a whistle.


  NOTE2: He is neat and clean.


  Here is a dialogue.

  Tom: Wow, you are as clean as a whistle.

  Andy:What is the use?

  Tom: I am sure you will leave a good impression on the boss.

  Andy:I hope so, but...

  Tom: But what? You should believe in yourself. You are the top student and you deserve a decent and good position.

  Andy:You can say that again, but I still got the jitters.

  Tom: Pull yourself together, mate. You can make it. Now I can give you a suggestion.

  Andy:What is it?

  Tom: Take a deep breath and say to yourself: BE A MAN!

  Andy:Ok, now I am not a chicken.

  1) I got the jitters.我紧张不安。

  2) He is clean as a whistle.他十分亮丽。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. You are asked to give a speech in front of a large crowd, but you have never tried before. What do you feel then?

  S2. One of the girls is talking about a boy. "He is really handsome and cool as well." What does it mean? Can you use another sentence to express the same meaning?

  S3. Your friend Peter is asked to give a speech at the meeting, but he is a bit nervous. What suggestion can you give him? (Please use a sentence we learned today.)


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