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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 歌迷会

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/09 11:53  世博英语




  1) You are ribbing me!


  NOTE2: You are just kidding!

  2) Stay out this matter please!

  NOTE1:与之相关的一个短语还有It is none of your business.

  NOTE2: Don't put your finger in the pie.


  Here is the dialogue.

  -Did you go to the music fans meeting last night?

  -No, I don't like it.

  -There was something interesting there.

  -What's that? Did the singer fall down from the stage?

  -You are ribbing me! Really something intersting-there was a crazy music fan.

  -How crazy?

  -She went to the stage to send a bunch of flowers in fact, but she kissed the singer when he was turning his head to thank her. After that, the singer was a bit angry.

  -Did he stop singing?

  -No, he continued. Unfortunately, we found there was a kissing imprint on his face and we couldn't help laughing.

  -That was impolite. You should have stayed out of this matter!

  1) You are ribbing me!你在开玩笑!

  2) Stay out this matter please!不要插手这件事情(不要加入这件事情)。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. Your friend Peter is telling you an interesting joke. What can you say to him?

  S2. Tom has a hot temper. So, what can you do to him when he flies into a rage?

  S3. She is quiet and always wants to be alone, but I want to invite her to attend a Christmas party. Do you have any suggestion?


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