作弊的下场 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/08 12:13 世博英语 |
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作者:大妮子 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)大妮子原创编写!从零开始,循序渐进,地道英语,轻松入门!世博英语版权所有!未经书面授权,请勿转载! 本课您将学到:tear的含义,in vain短语,the first and the last time句型 考场作弊,会有什么下场?今天,我们来读一则关于考试的故事。 The last day of the entire school year, all I have left is my math exam and I would be home free for summer. 这是整个学年的最后一天。完成今天的数学考试,暑假就要开始了。 Mr. Ward goes to the front and starts handing out the tests by rows. After explaining the rules of the test, he said very clearly and concisely(简洁地), "If you cheat, I will take your test and tear it up. You will get a 0 for the biggest grade of the year. So folks, if you haven't figured it out, that's a bad thing." 沃兹先生开始发试卷,他先讲了些考试的注意事项,然后用很严厉的口气说道:“不要作弊!如果我发现你作弊,我会撕了你的考卷,再给你个0分。如果到现在你还没有认识到作弊不好,我实在是为你感到内疚。” Mr. Ward was staring right at one of the kids that seemed to be only half way done with his test. Every test we took, there was always that one guy scrambling(仓促行动) at the last minute to finish his test. 沃兹先生盯着那个连一半题都没答完的小家伙。这位老兄几乎每次考试都是很仓促地在最后一分钟交卷,而他的卷面总是留有大量的空白题。 After the test was finished, Mr. Ward gave his end of the year speech. Then I saw him beckon(示意召唤) to the kid he was watching and tell the kid to go in the hall. He closed the door and from that moment on, I heard about 4 minutes of Mr. Ward yelling at the kid. That was the first and the last time that I have seen Mr. Ward ever yell like that. Apparently the guy had written his answers inside the sleeve(套子) of the calculator(计算器) and every time he was "using his calculator" he was really looking at the formulas(公式) and other stuff he had written inside of the sleeve, which was all in vain because Mr. Ward spotted(发现) it a mile away. 考试结束了,沃兹先生给我们作了年终讲话。他一点头把那个家伙叫了出去,还顺手关上了教室的门。几秒钟后,走廊里传来沃兹先生愤怒的大叫声。这是我第一次也是惟一一次看见沃兹先生发这么大的火。你猜这个自作聪明的高三家伙搞了什么名堂?他把一张写满公式、答案的小纸条夹在计算器的外壳里,当他假装计算时,正是在偷偷作弊。不过这一切都是徒劳的,因为沃兹先生老早就发现了他。 【世博读书笔记】 1.Tear有“眼泪、流泪”又有“撕碎、碎片”的意思,大家要根据句子背景理解。 (1)表示“眼泪”,如: The hot tears welled up in her eyes. 热泪涌上她的眼眶。 (2)表示“流泪、含泪”,如: A grain of sand made my right eye tear. 一粒沙子弄得我右眼淌泪。 (3)表示“撕开、划破”,如: She tore the lettersintostiny pieces. 她把信撕得粉碎。 Tear up是固定短语,意思是“撕破、撕碎”,如: She tore up the letter and threw itsintosthe waste basket. 她撕碎了信,把它扔在废纸篓里。 2.In vain短语,意思是“徒劳”,放在系动词或动词后面,比如: Their efforts were not in vain. 他们的努力没白费。 The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds. 警察企图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。 【世博句型留言板】 the first and the last time 第一次也是最后一次…… She won the competition for the first and the last time. 她是第一次也是最后一次赢得比赛。 It is the first and the last time that Allen ever proud of himself. 这是Allen第一次也是最后一次为自己感到骄傲。 练习: 要分手了,我第一次也是最后一次去了他家。 练习答案: When we were going to break up, I arrived at his home for the first time and the last time. 今天的节目里,请大家掌握一下知识点: 1.tear的含义, 2.in vain短语, 3.the first and the last time句型 我们下次再见! |
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