为什么不开门 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/23 10:09 世博英语 |
作者:Andy 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)Andy原创编写!学习中国口语,传播中国文化!世博英语版权所有,未经书面授权,请勿转载! 自从宿舍厕所门锁坏后,就有一个不成文的规定:入厕先敲门。 第【1】串:rest room 厕所 Excuse me, can you tell me where is the rest room? 一日,大嗓耳尖的舍长正端坐厕内,听到敲门声,便急呼“有人”, 第【2】串:dorm monitor 宿舍长 Our dorm monitor is so lazy that he has never swept the floor. 未料敲门声停了一阵后又起,接连不断。舍长大呼“有人”, 第【3】串:out of expectation 出乎意料 Out of my expectation, he passed the exam. How? 谁知敲门声愈加频繁,舍长大怒,出来一看,才知敲的是大门。 第【4】串:blow a fuse 勃然大怒 His impolite words made the boss blow a fuse at the meeting. 开门后,一人怒容满面:“有人为何不开门?” 第【5】串:gloomed 怒容的,忧郁的 What has happened? She is wearing a gloomed look. |
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