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Making decisions and giving opinions
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/09 09:42  英语辅导报


  I.Useful Expressions

  A.Making decisions

  1.-When willyou go there?你们什么时候去那儿?

  -We've fixed on starting tomorrow.我们已决定明天出发。

  2.-Willyou have a party?你们要举行晚会吗?

  -You're right.We've decided to hold it on Saturday evening.对,我们已决定于周六晚举行。

  3.-Can you finish the work before Friday?周五前你能完成这项工作吗?

  -Yes.Nothing can stop me from finishing it on time.是的,没有什么能阻止我准时完成工作。

  4.-I've decided to go to see a film alone this evening.我决定今天晚上一个人去看场电影。

  -What has caused you to make such a decision?You used to go with Mary.是什么让你作出这样的决定?你过去常和玛丽一起去的。

  5.-I have decided not to buy the bike.我已决定不买那辆自行车了。

  -But yesterday you said you would buy it.但你昨天说要买的。

  6.-I can't decide what to do today.我定不了今天要做什么。

  -Well,let's go shopping.嗯,我们去购物。

  7.-I'm worried about my daughter.She can't make her own decisions.我为我女儿担心。她不能自己作决定。

  -You should encourage her to make up her mind by herself.你应该鼓励她自己作决定。

  8.-Let's go fishing tomorrow.我们明天去钓鱼吧。

  -OK.That's settled.好的,就这么定了。

  B.Giving opinions

  1.-I'm taking a music class.But I've never had a music course before.我要上音乐课了,但我以前没有上过音乐课程。

  -In my opinion,you'll make it.在我看来,你会成功的。

  2.-Did you like the concert last night?你喜欢昨晚的音乐会吗?

  -Yes,it's wonderful indeed.There're many songs I've never heard.是的,真是太精彩了。有许多我从没听过的歌曲。

  3.-What's the best time to visit the park?参观这个公园最佳时间是什么时候?

  -I think evening is the best time.我认为晚间是最佳时间。

  4.-What do you think is the most exciting sport?


  -If you ask me,I think soccer certainly is.如果你问我,我想当然是足球。

  5.-I think that teachers are still asking us to do too much note-making.我认为老师们仍然让我们做太多的笔记。

  -Yes.They should give us more chances to express our opinions.是的。他们应该给我们更多的机会来表达我们自己的观点。

  II.Cultural Information

  A clearly expressed idea will be received more readily than a vague(含糊的)and badly communicated one. Opinions and ideas are best expressed in an even(平稳的)voice.A loud and sharp tone will force the listener to leave,and so miss the point of your idea.


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