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How Did The U.S.A. Get Its Name
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/26 13:08  英语辅导报

  The United States of America是美国的正式国名。对它的来历说法不一,最近又有新的发现......

  Why is America called the United States?This is a common question.Writer William Safire answered this question earlier this year in the New York Times magazine.

  His report says that Benjamin Franklin used the name United Colonies(殖民地)of North America around the time of the war for independence from Britain in 1775,but another name appeared on the Declaration of Independence(《独立宣言》)that was approved(认可) on July 4,1776.The Declaration used the name United States of America.

  Mr.Safire's readers wrote to him with more information.He learnt that the name United States of America had been used in two letters,each written a month before the declaration. One was published in the Pennsylvania Evening Post newspaper on June 29,1776.Mr.Safire also heard from a history expert Renal Get part.He searched delegates' letters to the Continental Congress(大陆会议)between 1774and 1789. This is what he found.

  Richard Henry Lee of Virginia made the proposal(建议)in the Congress on June 7,1776 to declare that the united colonies should be free and independent states.This proposal led to the creation(创造)of three committees to write three important documents(文件).One wrote a Declaration of Independence.Another wrote articles of Confederation(联邦).The third wrote a treaty(条约)plan.All three groups worked together and used the name United States of America.

  Mr.Getpart said the term(术语)developed from one or more members of the committees during these meetings.

  We also know that the articles of Confederation included the statement"the name of this confederation shall be the United States of America".

  Choose the best answer according to the text.

  1.When did the name United States of America come into being?

  A.During the War of Independence against Britain.

  B.Before the writing of Declaration of Independence and the other two documents.

  C.During the Continental Congress.

  D.Both before and during the Continental Congress.

  2.Who first used the name United States of America?

  A.William Safire and the Pennsylvania Evening Post newspaper

  B.Richard Henry Lee and the three committees

  C.Benjamin Franklin and his fellows

  D.One or more writers of the Congress documents or a newspaper reader

  3.Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the other two important documents?

  A.Three committees.

  B.Richard Henry Lee.

  C.Benjamin Franklin.

  D.Renal Get part.

  Key:1-3 D D A


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