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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第九法则 以句子为单位说

Connect words to form sound groups
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/24 15:54  新浪教育

  This is where you’re going to start something completely different than what you have done in your previous English studies. This part is the most difficult for many people because it goes against『与……不同』everything they’ve taught. Instead of thinking of each word as a unit『单位』, think of sound units. These sound units may or may not correspond to『与……对应』a word written on a page. Native speakers don’t say“Bob is on the phone”, but say“baibizan the foun.”Sound units make a sentence flow smoothly『以声调为单位使句子(听起来)更平滑』.


  1、go against:与….相反,相违背

  经典例句:What did they do went against the law. /他们的所作所为违反了法律。

  2、correspond to:相符合,成一致

  经典例句:His behavior correspond to his words. /他的言行一致。

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