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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/31 08:49  英语辅导报


  1. fit / suit

  (1)He speaks of his own work with modesty(谦虚)that well _______ his character.

  (2)Try the clothes on and see if they _______ you. Maybe the colour doesn't _______ you.

  2. be content to / be content with

  (1) My grandparents _______ live a plain and quiet life in the countryside.

  (2) We should never _______ book knowledge only.

  3. Such (All) is / Such (All) are

  (1) Such _______ (be) my wish to be an astronaut when I grow up that I will work hard to achieve it.

  (2) All _______ (be) here and all _______ (be) ready for the party.

  4. be fond of / like

  (1) He _______ (not) coffee, but he drinks some occasionally.

  (2) I found out that my uncle _______ fishing very much.

  5. missing / lost / gone

  (1) _______ time will never be found again.

  (2) Someone reported to the police that a child was _______ .

  (3)The old times are _______ forever.

  6. stick to / insist on

  (1) Once you make a correct decision, you should _______ it.

  (2) Most people present at the meeting _______ advancing basic education first.

  (3) He has a great idea that one should _______ whatever one has begun.

  7. lead to / cause

  (1) Too much work and too little rest _______ illness.

  (2) These are the roads _______ the valley.

  (3) His unusual behaviors(行为) _______ the attention of the police.

  8. go on to do / go on doing / go on with

  (1) You oughtn't to go on _______ (live) this way. You must pull your socks up(振作起来).

  (2) I just went on _______ my story where I had left off.

  (3) After telling us the spirit of the conference, he went on _______ (talk) about the international situation.

  9. likely / probable / possible

  (1)What's the most _______ time to find him in his office?

  (2)It's _______ but not _______ that he will stick to his incorrect proposal.

  10. once / as soon as

  (1) _______ you get into the habit of smoking, you can't easily get rid of it.

  (2) _______ Hitler came into power, war took the place of peace.

  11. broad / wide

  (1)Looking at the new-type camera, the young man with _______ shoulders was surprised, with his mouth _______ open.

  (2)He's a _______ -minded person; he'll never be disappointed by such a small failure.

  12. not any more / not any longer / no more / no longer

  (1) There is _______ talk of democracy(民主) without freedom.

  (2) Now most people _______ believe superstitious(迷信的)ideas.

  (3) My father doesn't smoke _______ by / on the doctor's advice.

  (4) I promise to you that I'll never come late to school _______ .

  13. make...from / make... of / make... up of / make up

  (1) What do you know beer is made _______ ?

  (2) All matter is made _______ atoms(原子).

  (3) This bridge made _______ stone is said to be built more than 1,000 years ago.

  (4) Father made this simple table _______ an old door.

  14. tell...from / tell... between

  (1) To tell the truth, I really can't tell the Maori _______ American Indians.

  (2) Can you tell the differences _______ American English and British English?

  15. be useful for / be useful to

  (1) We ought to absorb(吸收)whatever is useful _______ us all.

  (2) This set of English books is useful _______ beginners.

  (3) This kind of material is especially useful _______ building.

  16. look into / look up / look out / look after / look at

  (1) To write a good article, you'll have to look _______ lots of materials beforehand(事先).

  (2) The government will look _______ the living conditions of the workers.

  (3) Look _______ ! Here comes a car. Look _______ your own children, please.

  (4) You may look _______ things that way, but society won't.

  17. as (so) far as / as (so) long as

  (1) _______ I know, more than 10 million laid-off workers have found their new jobs.

  (2) There is nothing in the world that we can't do _______ we keep on trying to do it.

  (3) _______ the tourism in China is concerned, there is a long way to go.

  18. carry out / carry on

  (1) The group of soldiers _______ a secret military(军事)action the other day.

  (2) Comrades in Germany _______ a heroic fight against war under conditions of fascism(法西斯)at that time.

  19. at...speed / with...speed

  (1) Our car was running _______ all speed on the expressway.

  (2) The Long March No.2 Rocket sent up the satellite into space _______ the speed of 11.2 kilometres per second.

  20. at present / now

  (1) Your idea sounds inspiring, but it's not practical _______ . We can't turn it into rea-lity in a short period.

  (2) This kind of furniture was once very popular, but _______ it's out of date(过时).

  21. affair / business

  (1) We youth should care for home and international _______ .

  (2) Mind your own _______ .

  (3) A student should have a good habit: _______ before pleasure.


  1. (1) suits (2) fit; suit.表"合适"时,fit用于指资格、能力、大小等,而suit指场合及款式、颜色等.

  2. (1) are content to (2) be content with.习惯表达:be content to do"乐于;满足于做……";be content with"满足于……",后面跟名词、代词等作宾语.

  3. (1) is (2) are; are.such, all, some, the rest, 60 percent等作主语时,谓语动词要根据它们所指的事物是可数还是不可数、以及复数还是单数分别使用单数或复数谓语动词形式.

  4. (1) isn't fond of/doesn't like (2) was fond of / liked.两者都可以表"喜欢",但表"不大喜欢"时,只能用be fond of的否定形式.

  5. (1) Lost (2) missing / lost (3) gone.三者都可表"失去",但各有侧重点:lost是广义的"丢失",包含可找回和不能找回的意思;missing强调某物或某人暂时找不着了(含最终可能找到之意);gone的含义最广,包括"(东西)没了;(时间)过去了;(人)死了"等,而且语气肯定.

  6. (1)stick to (2)insisted on (3)sick to.表"坚持"时,insist on(doing sth.)强调行为,stick to强调理论、观点等.

  7. (1)leads to / causes (2)leading to (3)caused.lead to"导致(结果);(道路)通向(何处)",cause sth. / cause (sb.) to do sth."引起(某事);引起某人做某事".前者侧重事情的终结,后者侧重事情的开端.

  8. (1)living (2)with (3)to talk.go on doing"继续做(原来的事)";go on to do"接着做另一件事";go on with与go on doing含义相同,但只能跟名词或代词等作宾语,不能跟动名词.

  9. (1)likely (2)possible; probable / likely.这三个词都表"可能性",但possible和probable是形容词,只能修饰事、物;而likely既是形容词又是副词,可修饰事物,也可修饰人.likely语气最强,probable次之,possible最弱.

  10. (1)Once (2)As soon as.两者都含"一……就"之意,但once强调条件,as soon as强调时间.

  11. (1)broad; wide (2)broad.两者都表两边或两点之间的距离"宽的",此时可通用.但着重指某物覆盖面的范围,如:肩、背、胸等宽时,用broad,还可表宽宏大量;wide指边儿、沿儿间相隔的距离,以及指"广泛".

  12. (1) no more (2) no longer (3) any longer (4) any more.一般而言,no more表示数量或程度,意为"没有;不再;不是",其余三个词通常只表时间概念,意为"不再".同时,no more和not any more表某事不再重复;而no longer,not any longer指某行为或状态不再延续.

  13. (1) from (2) up of (3) of (4) from.一般而言,make...of(被动式为be made of)制作某物的原材料能看出(或说没发生化学变化);make...from指原材料发生了化学变化,不能辨出,也可表"由……改作";强调由多种元素构成时用make...up of.

  14. (1) from (2) between.习惯用法:tell A from B"区分A和B",也可说tell the difference between A and B.注意介词的用法区别.

  15. (1) to (2) for (3)for.两者都表"对……有用",be useful for表特指(部分),而be useful to表泛指(全部).后面跟动名词时,只能用be useful for.

  16. (1) up / out (2) into (3) out; after (4) at.look into"调查;了解;研究";look up"查出(词意等);看望"等;look out"当心;找出";look at除了表"看"之外,还表"看待;考虑"等.常用的搭配还有look forward to"盼望",look through"翻阅;看一遍",look over"翻阅;复习",look down upon"歧视",look round"环顾"等.

  17. (1) As (So) far as (2) so (as) long as (3) As far as.as (so) far as意思是"就……(而言;所知)"等,as far as sth. is concerned是其中一种特殊表达,意为"就某事而言";as (so) long as"只要",引导条件状语从句.

  18. (1) carried out (2) were carrying on.carry out意为"执行;实行";carry on"(继续)进行;进行下去",强调坚持.

  19. (1) with (2) at.习惯表达:at the speed of或者at...speed,意为"以……的速度";而当speed被all, lightning, great等修饰时,介词应换用with,我们可用一句口诀来帮助记忆:都(all)以闪电般(lightning)大(great)的速度行驶.

  20. (1) at present (2) now.两者都含"现在;目前"之意,但at present相对于将来,而now相对于过去.

  21. (1)affairs (2)business / affairs (3) business.作"事务"讲时,两词意义相近;但affair常指重大或头绪繁多的事务,常需用复数;business不能用复数,所以表"生意"时,只能用business.


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