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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 高中英语学习指导篇:形形色色的反意疑问句

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/31 12:46  英语辅导报



  1.前部分的谓语是be, have, had better或情态动词时,反意部分仍用这些词.例如:

  He can't swim, can he?

  You had better go now, hadn't you?


  He doesn't like sports, does he?

  You had breakfast at six this morning,didn't you?

  3.前部分的谓语是there be时,反意部分用there be形式.例如:

  -There is a radio on the table, isn't there?

  -Yes, there is.

  4.前句的谓语动词为have(has) to/had to时,其疑问部分的谓语动词通常用do的适当形式.例如:

  They had to leave early, didn't they?

  We have to get up at four tomorrow,don't we?

  5.前句的谓语动词为used to时,其疑问部分的谓语动词可采用两种形式.例如:

  There used to be a cinema here before the war, usedn't there/didn't there?

  He used to live in London, usedn't he/didn't he?

  6.前句的谓语动词是ought to时,则疑问部分的谓语动词通常用ought/oughtn't代替.例如:

  He ought to be punished, oughtn't he?

  Such things ought not to be allowed,ought they?

  但在正式文体中,用ought we not形式.例如:

  We ought to go, ought we not?或We ought to go, shouldn't we?


  We need to do it, don't we?

  You daren't go there, dare you?



  You must be tired, aren't you?


  You must go home right now, needn't you?


  You mustn't walk on grass,must you?

  前句谓语动词是must have+过去分词时,若前句强调对过去情况的推测(一般有过去时间状语),疑问部分的谓语动词用

  "didn't+主语";若前句强调动作的完成,疑问部分的谓语动词用"haven't (hasn't)+主语".例如:

  He must have met her yesterday, didn't he?

  You must have seen the film,haven't you?


  He is unfit for his office, isn't he?

  10.如果陈述部分含有no, never, hardly,seldom, few, nowhere, nothing, scarcely, rarely等否定或半否定词时,疑问部分用肯定形式.例如:

  He is hardly 14 years old, is he?

  11.如果陈述部分的主语为nobody,everybody, somebody, anybody, no one, everyone, someone, anyone等不定代词时,其疑问部分的主语可用he,也可用they,因而疑问部分的主语动词也可用复数形式.例如:

  No one was hurt, were they?

  Everyone knows their job, don't they?

  Everyone knows his job, doesn't he?

  12.陈述部分的主语是指示代词this, that等词时,疑问部分的主语在形式上与前者不同,但在逻辑上却与前者一致.例如:

  This is very important, isn't it?

  13.陈述部分是I'm...结构,疑问部分一般用aren't I.例如:

  I'm late, aren't I?


  One can't be too careful, can one(you)?

  15.陈述部分如果是"I don't think (believe, suppose, expect, imagine...)+宾语从句"时,疑问部分中的动词和主语应和宾语从句中的动词和主语保持一致,并且要用肯定形式.例如:

  I don't think he can finish the work, can he?

  I don't believe she knows it, does she?

  注:①若复合句的主语是第一人称,为肯定式时,以及I'm sure+从句时,疑问部分的主谓语应与从句保持一致.例如:

  I expect you'd rather be at home right now, wouldn't you?

  I'm sure the Olympic Games to be held in 2008 in Beijing will be a success, won't they?


  You don't think he is a doctor, do you?

  She didn't think I could work it out, did she?

  You always think that others misunderstand you, don't you?


  How cool the weather is, isn't it?

  What a lovely day, isn't it?


  Whether we'll hold the sports meet depends on the weather, doesn't it?

  It is necessary that we learn English well, isn't it?


  He said he was sorry, didn't he?


  A shop is a place where you can buy everything, isn't it?


  If you don't study hard, you'll regret it, won't you?


  It is the first time that you have come to China, isn't it?

  It was in the rice fields that we had our League meeting, wasn't it?

  It seemed that he was a lawyer, didn't it?


  The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, didn't it?



  Let's go there, shall we?

  Have a cup of tea, will you?


  So that's your little trick,is it?


  Your bike is outside,is it?


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