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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/05 12:53  英语辅导报


  1. I noticed that the opposite man was staring at me.我注意到对面那个男人正盯着我。

  正确的翻译应是:I noticed that the man opposite was staring at me.


  The people in the house opposite never draw their curtains.对过房子里的人从来不把窗帘拉上。


  I've got the opposite attitude to theirs.我的态度和他们的相反。

  She went off in the opposite direction.她向相反的方向走了。

  2. I often fell yesterday when I was skiing.我昨天滑雪的时候老摔跤。

  正确的翻译:I kept falling yesterday when I was skiing.

  often用来表示"不同场合下屡次发生"的意思。如果要说明"同一场合下屡次发生",要用另外的表达方式(如:a lot of times, several times, frequently or keep(on) doing这些结构)。例如:

  I met him several times in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上遇到他几次。

  I often meet him in the street.我经常在街上遇到他。

  3. That actor plays very well.那位男演员演的非常好。

  正确的翻译:That actor acts very well.

  人们"玩游戏",英语说play games,演戏或演电影,得用act。例如:

  Can you play chess?你会下国际象棋吗?

  Would you like to act in the play?你乐意在这个剧里扮演角色吗?

  4. Thanks God it's Friday.谢谢上帝,到礼拜五了。

  正确的翻译:Thank God it's Friday.


  Thanks a lot (very much).


  He didn't even thank me.他甚至没有谢谢我。

  5. I've got other three days holiday.我又有了三天假期。

  正确的翻译:I've got another three days holiday.

  在一般情况下,another后面要用单数名词如:another day, another boy。然而another后面可以跟few或带数字的复数名词。例如:

  There's room for another few people in the back of the bus.公共汽车后面还能坐下几个人。

  6. My husband is a very good cooker.

  正确的翻译:My husband is a very good cook.


  I prefer gas cooker to electric ones.电气炊具和煤气炊具比起来,我更喜欢煤气炊具。

  7. The beer isn't enough.啤酒不够了。

  正确的翻译:There isn't enough beer.


  enough可以用作动词be的补语(如That's enough; It was enough),但是当主语是名词时,enough就不能作补语了。我们要改变句子结构,在enough后面接一个名词。例如:

  Did you have enough time?你时间够吗?

  We have enough money to buy a computer.我们有足够的钱来买一台计算机。

  8. Officer!I've been stolen!警官!我被抢了!

  正确的翻译:Officer!I've been robbed!


  They stole five thousand pounds from the bank.他们从银行里偷走了五千英镑。

  They robbed the bank, and got away with five thousand pounds.他们抢了银行,弄走了五千英镑。

  9. My sister divorced last year.我姐姐去年离婚了。

  正确的翻译:My sister got divorced last year.

  divorce作为动词,要求有直接宾语。在没有宾语的情况下,则要用to get divorced或者to get a divorce这样的表达方式。例如:

  Sarah wants to divorce Jack.萨拉想和杰克离婚。

  It's much easier to get a divorce than it used to be.现在离婚比过去容易得多。


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