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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > Put Your Knowledge of American to the Test

Put Your Knowledge of American to the Test
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/07 19:59  英语辅导报

  Could you pass a citizenship test?Just select the right answers to the 10questions below-all typical questions you might find on the exam given by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services-and test your knowledge of U.S.history and the structure of our government.

  1.What kind of government does the United States have?

  a.democratic b.republican c.conservative

  2.Who has the power to declare war?

  a.the President b.Congress c.Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(参谋长联席会议主席)

  3.What is the supreme law of the United States?

  a.the Magna Carta((英国历史上的)大宪章) b. the Bill of Rights c.the Constitution

  4.What are the 13 original states?

  a.Connecticut,New Hampshire,New York,New Jersey,Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware,Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia,Rhode Island,Maryland

  b.Connecticut,New York,New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Kentucky,Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia,Rhode Island,Maryland

  c.Connecticut,New Hampshire,New York,New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania,Delaware,Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia,Rhode Island,Maryland,Washington,D.C.

  5.Which list contains three rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

  a.right to life,right to liberty,right to the pursuit of happiness

  b.freedom of speech,freedom of press,freedom of religion

  c.right to protest,right to protection under the law,freedom of religion

  6.Which of these is a purpose of the United Nations?

  a.to settle civil wars

  b.to govern the world

  c.to discuss and try to resolve world problems

  7.What is the executive branch of American government?

  a.the House of Representatives and the Senate

  b.the President,Cabinet,and Departments under the Cabinet

  c.the Supreme Court

  8.How many representatives are there in Congress?

  a.102 b.435 c.50

  9.Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

  a.natural-born citizens

  b.everyone(citizens and non-citizens living in the U.S.)

  c.registered voters

  10.Who elects the President of the United States?

  a.the Congress

  b.the Electoral College(选举团)

  c.the people

  The key:



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