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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第十一法则 自己创造机会去练习英语!

Make your own opportunities to practice English
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/02 16:50  新浪教育

  Be brave『勇敢的』. Talk to students, professors and staff on the campus『学校教职工』or in the street. Ask other people about their lives and ideas. Look interested『要表现出兴趣来』.

  Talk to yourself in your room. Create situations in your mind. For example, pretend『想象』you're at the library and need help.

  Read a newspaper article and then, without looking, summarize『总结、概括』the article aloud to yourself. Read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as you can find.

  Keep a journal『日志』. Record your thoughts in English each night before you go to sleep.

  Talk to friends who are also learning English. Make a rule that perhaps for an hour, or when you go out together, you will only speak English to each other! Find native English-speaking people who will give you conversation practice.



  经典例句:During the party, He has been pretending to be as happy as everyone else. /在聚会上,他一直假装表现得与别人一样高兴。


  经典例句:The boss talks for almost 2 hours at the meeting, but to summarize what he says, it’s very simple—he needs everyone work overlate. /老板在会上讲了近两个小时,但是概括起来他讲的内容却很简单----他要求每个人都要加班。

  3、Find native English-speaking people who will give you conversation practice. /去找母语为英语的人士,他们会带给你口语练习的机会。

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